72-Year-Old Man in Cambodia Ripped Off by 40 Crocodiles

A 72-year-old man died due to a crocodile's attack on him in Siem Reap. The victim, Luan Nam, had his own reptile family farm. He was trying to move the reptile from the enclosure with the help of a stick. The crocodile caught that stick and pulled that man. At that very moment, almost all the crocodiles attacked him and ripped his body into many pieces. 

Everyone who was there on the farm was very shocked by this incident. Crocodile made him fall into closure and left that place covered with blood. His body was later rescued from there, which was full of cuts and bites. The victim was the president of the local crocodile farmers association and was forced by his family many times to quit this job. 

It was said that there were nearly 40 crocodiles in that closure.

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