You can't label curd packets as 'Dahi' in Tamil Nadu

On Wednesday, Chief Minister M. K. Stalin criticised the FSSAI for demanding that curd packets in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka be labelled as "dahi" in Hindi. In an apparent jab at the BJP, he said anyone responsible for such "brazen contempt for our mother tongues" will be "banished" from the South.

Once the state government announced its decision to disregard the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India's directive, S. M. Naser, the minister responsible for dairy development, reacted. Naser stated, "We would not comply with the directive to mention dahi in Hindi in curd packets distributed by Aavin, the state cooperative society.

Stalin urged the FSSAI in stern tweets to "respect people's sensitivities" and refrain from requesting that states refrain from using their mother tongues. Avoid pinching a youngster and then swaying the cradle at any time. Before you even rock the cradle, you'll disappear, the Chief Minister remarked in Tamil.

A little while later, he tweeted in English: "The blatant persistence of #HindiImposition has come to the extent of ordering us to name even a curd packet in Hindi, relegating Tamil and Kannada to our own states. We will ensure that those involved are permanently barred from the South because of their blatant contempt for our mother tongue.

Stalin's forceful response came when the FSSAI instructed the milk federations in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to prominently display the word "dahi" on the curd packets they sold, as well as to include Kannada and its equivalents in brackets.

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