RGNUL protest continues: Women’s Commission writes President, PM for VC's Removal

Students at the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law (RGNUL) in Patiala have been protesting for several days against Vice-Chancellor Prof. Jai Shankar Singh, accusing him of violating the privacy of female students in their hostel. The protests, which have drawn national attention, center around allegations of inappropriate behavior during an unannounced inspection of the girls' hostel by the Vice-Chancellor. Despite the university’s efforts to resolve the issue, the protests have continued, with students demanding the Vice-Chancellor's resignation.

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Allegations Against the Vice-Chancellor

The core of the students' grievances stems from an incident on September 22, 2024, when Prof. Singh allegedly conducted a surprise inspection of the girls' hostel. According to the students, he entered their rooms without prior notice, commented on their clothing, and questioned their dressing sense. The students also claim that the Vice-Chancellor was unaccompanied by female staff or security during his visit, which further heightened concerns about privacy violations.

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Key allegations against the Vice-Chancellor include:
  • Conducting a surprise inspection without notifying the students or staff.

  • Entering the rooms of female students and making inappropriate remarks about their attire.

  • Failing to have a female warden or security present during the inspection.

  • Previous incidents of alleged sexist and misogynistic remarks made by the Vice-Chancellor.

One student stated,

"He questioned our protests by saying that he only went to the rooms of first-year students. However, we have proof that he went to rooms of third-year students as well. He is lying to the media, and we demand his resignation."

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Vice-Chancellor's Defense

In his defense, Prof. Singh has denied the allegations and offered a different version of events. He claimed that he visited the hostel in response to complaints from some first-year female students who were facing difficulties with the furniture arrangements in their rooms. According to him, the inspection was aimed at addressing these concerns and improving the living conditions in the hostel.

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Key points in the Vice-Chancellor's defense include:
  • He was accompanied by the chief warden and female security guards during the visit.

  • The visit was conducted based on the request of students who had concerns about the lack of space for their tables and almirahs.

  • He denied making any comments on the students' attire and stated that the allegations were baseless.

  • Prof. Singh expressed that the students were "like my daughters and granddaughters," underscoring his commitment to their welfare.

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Escalation of the Protests

Despite Prof. Singh's explanations, the protests intensified, with students refusing to attend classes and staging sit-ins at the administrative block of the university. The protests have now entered their fifth day, with students demanding the immediate resignation of the Vice-Chancellor. The university administration, in response, initially ordered the closure of the institution until further notice.

However, on Thursday, officiating registrar Naresh Vats announced that the university would reopen on September 27, 2024, and classes would resume as per the schedule. This decision was made after repeated talks between the administration and the protesting students failed to reach an agreement.

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Political and Institutional Reactions

The ongoing protests have attracted attention from political leaders and women’s rights organizations. Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra condemned the incident, calling it "extremely shameful" and urged the National Commission for Women to take action.

Raj Lali Gill, Chairperson of the Punjab State Commission for Women, visited the campus and met with both the students and the Vice-Chancellor. She expressed her dissatisfaction with the university’s handling of the situation and recommended the immediate removal of Prof. Singh to restore a safe and respectful environment at the university.

In a letter addressed to President Droupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Gill wrote, "The Commission finds the V-C's actions highly inappropriate and a clear overstep of his administrative role."

Additionally, the Punjab State Human Rights Commission has launched an inquiry into the incident, and a report on the matter is expected by mid-October.

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Demands and Failed Negotiations

The students remain firm in their demand for the Vice-Chancellor’s resignation, despite an apology from Prof. Singh and efforts by the administration to address their concerns. The students have accused the Vice-Chancellor of pressuring their parents and threatening expulsion for those participating in the protests. Furthermore, they allege that the administration’s recent communication on social media sought to discredit their claims.

On Thursday, the students were invited to another round of negotiations. However, they described the meeting as unproductive, accusing the administration of inappropriate conduct and refusing to make concrete commitments.

In a statement, the student community expressed their frustrations:

"Today, once again we were invited to the negotiating table. However, during the discussion, our batch representatives were subjected to inappropriate conduct, including being shouted at, all in full view of the student community. This meeting was held despite the officiating registrar’s lack of decision-making authority, and the administration remained unwilling to make any concrete commitments in response to our demands."

RGNUL protests continue; students write to Chancellor calling for resignation of Vice-Chancellor

Ongoing Unrest and Calls for Resolution

The situation at RGNUL remains tense, with the students' protests showing no signs of abating. The administration’s attempts to reopen the university and resume classes have been met with resistance, as students continue to demand accountability from the Vice-Chancellor. The intervention of state and national bodies may provide a path to resolution, but for now, the students' trust in the university’s leadership remains fractured.

The outcome of the investigations by the Punjab State Women Commission and the Punjab State Human Rights Commission, as well as any potential action from the Chancellor of the university, Chief Justice Sheel Nagu, will likely determine the next steps in resolving this contentious issue.

With inputs from agencies

Image Source: Multiple agencies

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