Mumbai Police Heroes Rescue Drowning Woman at Marine Drive

Kiran Thackeray and Anmol Dahifale of Mumbai Police are being hailed as heroes for bravely rescuing a woman and three others from drowning during a high tide on Marine Drive. The dramatic incident, caught on video, demonstrates the officers' quick thinking and bravery.

Officers responded to a distress call near the Sundar Mahal junction. They jumped into the rough waters without hesitation to save the struggling individuals. Mumbai Police shared the video with the caption: "Turned the tide! Responding quickly to a drowning incident near Sundar Mahal Junction, Marine Drive, on-duty officials PC Kiran Thackeray and PC Anmol Dahifale jumped into the sea despite the high tide and rescued the woman."

Mumbai Police

The rescued woman was transported to the hospital, where her condition was determined to be stable. Since its release, the video has received over 890,000 views and nearly 48,000 likes, with many admiring the officers' bravery.

One Instagram user wrote, "Mumbai police is the real gem for the nation," and another added, "Not all heroes wear capes." The Mumbai Police's social media presence continues to grow, with nearly 790,000 followers on Instagram.

With inputs from agencies

Image Source: Multiple agencies

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