ISRO Chief Praises Sunita Williams' Courage Amid Starliner Delays

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Chief, Dr. S. Somanath, recently shared his insights on the delayed return of Indian-origin astronaut Sunita Williams from the International Space Station (ISS). The delay, stemming from issues with Boeing's new crew module, the Starliner, has raised questions and concerns. However, Dr. Somanath emphasises the mission's significance and lauds Williams for her bravery. This article delves into the details of her mission, the implications of the Starliner delays, and the broader context of international space exploration.

Sunita Williams' Courageous Mission

Background of the Starliner Mission

Sunita Williams, alongside NASA astronaut Barry "Butch" Wilmore, embarked on a crucial mission aboard Boeing's Starliner spacecraft. Launched on June 5, this mission serves as a final demonstration for NASA to certify the Starliner for routine flights to and from the ISS. The mission's success is pivotal for the future of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, which aims to ensure safe, reliable, and cost-effective access to space.
photo: sunita Williams before the launch in front of the boeing starliner

For more on thisBoeing Finally Launches The Starliner, Sunita Williams On Board

Challenges and delays

Despite the mission's high stakes, several mechanical issues with the Starliner have necessitated a delay in the astronauts' return. Initially scheduled for June 13, their return has been postponed to allow more time for a thorough review and resolution of these issues. NASA's Commercial Crew Program manager, Steve Stich, indicated the possibility of extending the mission's duration from 45 to 90 days to conduct further ground tests in New Mexico.

ISRO Chief's Perspective

Safety of the ISS

Dr. S. Somanath reassured the public that the ISS is a safe environment for long-term stays, dismissing concerns about the astronauts being stranded. "It is not just Sunita Williams or any other astronaut. Getting stranded or stuck in a place is not a narrative that we must have at this moment," he stated. The ISS is well-equipped to support astronauts, ensuring their safety until a reliable return plan is in place.

Pride in Sunita Williams

Dr. Somanath expressed immense pride in Sunita Williams' contributions to space exploration. Her involvement in the Starliner mission, particularly as part of the design team, highlights her expertise and dedication.

"We are all proud of her. There are many missions to her credit. It is a courageous thing to travel on the first flight of a new space vehicle," he remarked.

Implications for Future Space Missions

Advancements in Spacecraft Technology

The development and testing of the Starliner mark a significant step forward in spacecraft technology. The ability to conduct reliable onward and return journeys is crucial for future missions. Dr. Somanath emphasised the importance of this aspect, stating, "The question today when we develop a spacecraft like the Starliner should be whether it can operate reliably for onward and return journeys."

International Collaboration in Space

The Starliner mission underscores the importance of international collaboration in space exploration. Dr. Somanath highlighted that space programs ultimately benefit humanity as a whole.

"The space programme, after all, is for all of humanity. A nation may make a spacecraft, but it is for humanity," he said.

This perspective opens the door for future partnerships and collaborative efforts on space missions.

Activities on the ISS

Expedition 71 Crew Members' Activities

Despite the delays, the Expedition 71 crew members have been actively engaged in various tasks aboard the ISS. These activities include packing a US cargo craft, conducting cleaning operations, studying futuristic piloting techniques, and performing eye exams. The crew's continuous work ensures the smooth functioning of the ISS and the success of ongoing scientific experiments.

photo: sunita williams on ISS

NASA's Future Plans

NASA continues to work on resolving the Starliner's issues and ensuring its reliability for future missions. The lessons learned from this mission will contribute to the overall safety and efficiency of space travel. The extension of the Starliner mission duration will provide valuable data and insights, aiding NASA and Boeing in addressing the technical challenges encountered.

Boeing's Challenges with the Starliner

Boeing's Starliner mission has faced significant challenges, raising concerns about the company's competence in space exploration. The mission, which aims to certify the Starliner for routine flights to and from the ISS, has been plagued by mechanical failures, particularly with the spacecraft's thrusters. These issues have necessitated delays, extending the mission's duration to conduct further tests.

This is not the first setback for Boeing in its space endeavours. The 2019 uncrewed test flight of the Starliner failed to reach the ISS due to software anomalies, highlighting persistent gaps in Boeing's engineering and quality assurance processes. These challenges have not only disrupted NASA's schedules but also strained its budget, forcing a reliance on other providers like SpaceX.

photo: boeing's Starliner with ISS

Boeing's struggles with the Starliner mission underscore the need for enhanced quality control and rigorous testing. As the company works to address these issues, its efforts will be closely monitored by NASA and the broader aerospace community, hoping for improved reliability on future missions.

For more on Boeing troubles, click Richard Cuevas: Boeing Whistleblower Claims Firing After Raising 787 Dreamliner Safety Concerns

What are the next steps for NASA and Boeing regarding the Starliner?

NASA and Boeing will continue to conduct tests and address the technical issues encountered with the Starliner. The extension of the mission duration will provide additional data and insights to ensure the spacecraft's reliability for future missions.

photo: sunita williams on ISS


The delayed return of astronaut Sunita Williams from the ISS highlights the complexities and challenges of space exploration. However, it also underscores the resilience, bravery, and dedication of astronauts like Williams and the ongoing efforts of space agencies like NASA and ISRO. As we continue to push the boundaries of space travel, the lessons learned from missions like the Starliner will pave the way for safer, more reliable, and collaborative efforts in exploring the final frontier.

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