Chennai Firm Gifts 28 Luxury Cars to Employees to Boost Morale

Team Detailing Solutions, a structural steel design and detailing firm, has gifted 28 cars and 29 bikes to its employees in recognition of their hard work. The cars range from popular models such as Hyundai, Tata, and Maruti Suzuki, to luxury brands like Mercedes-Benz. According to the company, these gifts are a token of appreciation for the dedication and tireless efforts of their employees.

Employee Dedication at the Heart of the Rewards

Sridhar Kannan, Managing Director of Team Detailing Solutions, emphasized the importance of the employees’ contributions to the company’s success. "We wanted to show our appreciation for their tireless efforts. We believe our employees are our greatest assets," Kannan said.

Team Detailing Solutions

The rewards were not distributed randomly. Instead, they were awarded through a performance-based evaluation system, ensuring that those who demonstrated exceptional commitment were recognized.

Performance-Based Recognition

"Our employees have shown extraordinary dedication, and we are proud to recognize their achievements," Kannan added. He further explained that the company has about 180 employees, many of whom come from humble backgrounds but possess highly specialized skills.

Kannan also shared the company’s history of rewarding employees, stating that they began gifting bikes and in 2022 presented cars to two senior colleagues. This year, the company expanded the program, offering 28 cars, which included models from Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, and Mercedes-Benz.

Flexibility in Employee Rewards

In response to a query about the selection process, the company explained that employees are given the choice of a car or bike within a specific price range. If an employee prefers a more expensive model, they can cover the additional cost themselves, Kannan clarified.

Additional Employee Benefits

Beyond the vehicles, Team Detailing Solutions also provides financial assistance for weddings. "We used to offer β‚Ή50,000 as marriage assistance, but starting this year, we have increased that amount to β‚Ή1 lakh," Kannan shared.

Boosting Morale and Productivity

The company believes these gestures will help boost employee morale and motivation. "We expect this initiative to increase productivity, and we remain committed to recognizing our employees' hard work. We will continue to prioritize employee development alongside customer satisfaction," Kannan concluded.

Inputs by Agencies 

Image Source: Multiple Agencies 

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