11 Pilgrims have died in 5 days of Char Dham Yatra, Government Mandates Health Test for Over 50 years

The Char Dham Yatra, which covers the shrines of Badrinath, Kedarnath, Gangotri, and Yamunotri, is a significant Hindu pilgrimage in Uttarakhand. It recently began on May 10, but it has seen a tragic start this year, with 11 pilgrims reported dead in the last 5 days.

The Garhwal Divisional Commissioner, Vinay Shankar Pandey, confirmed that all of them died primarily due to pre-existing health conditions exacerbated by the strenuous journey and high-altitude environment. Most of the people who died were above 50 years old and had pre-existing health conditions.

char dhaam

High Turnout 

Since its commencement, it has attracted an enormous number of followers, creating difficulties for the government. Over 26.73 lakh people registered online for the pilgrimage by May 14; an additional 1.24 lakh people registered offline, making it the most popular registration period ever.

There have already been more than 1.55 lakh pilgrims to Kedarnath, more than 70,000 to Yamunotri, and more than 63,000 to Gangotri. Badrinath Dham has received over 45,000 pilgrims in just three days. However, the main concern is the ‘early arrivals’, mostly the offline registered devotees,  creating huge crowds and challenging the government. 

“The temples in Char Dham have limited accommodation capacity and hence only a fixed number of pilgrims are allowed to visit the temples, especially the Yamunotri and Kedarnath Dham, which requires trekking,” Vinay Shankar Pandey, Commissioner, Garhwal Division, said.

overcrowding atkedrinath

What steps the Government took to take control? 

  • The government has directed the District Magistrates to make sure that sufficient plans are in place to stop these travellers. 
  • Passengers are receiving all the information about the yatra through bulk messages, and if they travel before the registered date, their tour operator permits will be suspended.
  • It has been decided to prohibit cars from using Chardham routes unless the pilgrims are registered for that particular day. 
  • District administration teams and RTOs will closely monitor same-day registration. 
  • Additionally, it is restricted to use mobile phones and creation of social media reels within 200 metres of the Char Dham temple's grounds.
  • According to the new regulations,  VIP darshan of Char Dham Yatra has been banned till May 31, 2024.

Health Screenings and Medical Advisory

Vinay Shankar Pandey advised the pilgrims not to hide their medical history from the physicians during the health screening at the camps.

"All of these shrines are at high altitudes, and people coming from warmer climates find it difficult to adjust," Pandey said. "Devotees must provide complete information about their health." 

The "safety of the pilgrims is a top priority," Pandey added. We will do everything in our power to ensure the devotees return home in safety. Additionally, pilgrims must not conceal their medical history or condition.

State health officials claim that despite sufficient guidelines issued by the state government, the majority of pilgrims who experienced health problems on the higher hills attempted to hide their medical histories and neglected to get regular checkups.

overcrowding at kedarnath

What Measures the Government has taken?

  • In order to improve safety, the mandatory health examinations, which were previously only necessary for individuals over 55, have now been extended to those over 50, according to state health secretary Dr. R. Rajesh Kumar. 
  • Along the pilgrimage routes, the government has sent out 184 doctors, 44 of whom are specialists, to offer medical care. 
  • In order to ensure effective handling of the situation, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has also designated senior IAS officer R. Meenakshi Sundaram to supervise the management of the yatra to Gangotri and Yamunotri.
  • R. Meenakshi Sundaram gave officials orders to give priority to screenings for pilgrims who are 50 years of age and older. 


Millions of Hindus still find great spiritual fulfilment on the Char Dham Yatra, and the Uttarakhand government hopes that increased security will make the journey safer for all pilgrims. It's important to remember that, along with the government's efforts to improve things, the visitors or the devotees also need to comply with rules and regulations and ensure full health checkup before visiting.

Image Source: Multiple Agencies

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