The Warrior Who Never Gives Up - Maya Hiro Khudabadi

Diagnosed at an early age with Scleroderma Maya was no stranger to pain and disappointments but she did not allow them to hold her back, if anything it only made her more determined to keep on fighting without giving up. This is her story.

In the year 1994, she was diagnosed with Scleroderma. This in turn led to 36 amputations on her body, with one amputation leading to an artificial limb being installed below the knee, she was kept 6 times in the ICU and once was put on the ventilator. Every year she is hit with some or other disease because of her genetic disorder. She spent many a day being in and out of hospitals.

But she did not want this to be her defining factor, she wants to be an inspiration to millions of people.

Maya Hiro Khudabadi

Born and brought up in Mumbai, she was raised by her warrior mother as she lost her father at a very young age. Maya, along with her sisters was always pushed to work hard to achieve something exceptionally great. Her daring and courageous journey is blessed with her all-weather family & friends she gives credit.

Undeterred and with a flame of immense passion and perseverance, Maya is completely synonymous with the Iron Lady. To your surprise, she works 16 hours a day and misses no chance in delivering impeccable services to the clients no matter the complexity of the project.

With her hand-picked experienced teammates of designers, developers, and writers, she guarantees to deliver unparallel 360-degree marketing solutions that help businesses make profits.

Maya like many others is very close to her family who has been a never-ending source of strength to her. Her husband, two sisters along with their husbands and their absolutely angelic children. She’s got two nieces and she loves them the most. 

Her mother, whom she considers a rockstar at 76 years, retired from BSNL as a senior supervisor.

She started her career when she was 16, they were a tight-knit group of three sisters who were told by their mother to work hard so that they could pay their college fees. She was their HERO who had raised them with pride as they had lost their father at an early age. 

Today at the age of 46 she has had her own countless share of struggles. But these ups & downs have made her stronger every time. She went through illness & hospitalization.

With a huge medical history, nothing has been able to hold her back from performing continuously on her professional as well as personal front.

She decided to start her own venture and began building her own business from scratch. She understood that entrepreneurship was traditionally a male bastion and that this world wasn’t kind to women in business, but she chose to persevere anyway. She was exceptionally fortunate at many levels by people around her, she added. She got immense love from this universe and she felt it was now her time to return it back to the universe and its people so she started working smart and hard.

Thus came to life the Business Mantra.

Standing tall for over 7 plus years, Business Mantra breathed life into many dreams. Business Mantra seeks its strength from its highly professional social marketing workforce. Their goal is to give prudent energy to your social importance and provide rewarding impetus to your social branding.

Networking is an integral craft to master no matter what industry you work in or your level of experience. Many shudder at the idea of “selling yourself” but despite all connotations, Maya chose to forge long-term relationships and established a good professional reputation over time.

“On the days you only have 40% and you give 40%. But, you gave 100%,” quoted Maya Khudabadi.

The company has a sure-footed social strategy for clients of every size and need. The company is rooted in the philosophy of perpetual learning of social scenarios and remodelling the process to achieve maximal social presence.

Their mission is to build your Social Kingdom by adding the aids of marketing automation to make the global presence felt by your brands.

Maya always wanted to start something of her own and this was her first step and dream, she couldn’t be happier. 

Maya Hiro Khudabadi

For Maya her work is worship and her laptop never made her cry. So that became her source of steady focus. She forgot many things but she always remembered many people telling her that "You are born to make a difference in the world".

That’s exactly what Maya decided to do, change the world.

She started her career in the Training and development industries. Maya and her husband already have a successful English-speaking franchise in 23 countries. She has also written a few English-speaking books. Because of her genetic disorder, she had to take a break from work. She had to take 18 tablets every day. 

Afterwards, when she started getting interested in the IT field around 2012, she started working as a HOD In an IT company. Her interest in the IT field and exploring all the areas of business led to her own business called “Business Mantra.”

Even in her difficult situation she was visualizing and planning 2 projects. Which will begin soon.

Maya believes that God has a plan and you need to know yours, so patiently wait for your plan. Never ever hurt anyone as blessings hit very well when you need them. Thank God for each day for the billion-dollar health he gave you (hands/feet/eyes and everything), many people don't have even this much. Good health is a luxury.

Maya has her own mantra for life, according to her life is not easy, “I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason, for a good cause. You won’t realize it today but later you will.”

"Time is the new oil. Don’t waste your time worrying about your future. Things are bound to happen. But, just, at the right time! Until then play each ball, till you get the perfect one to hit a sixer" saying this, she chuckled.

“Whatever you do, be different – that was the advice my mother gave me, and I can’t think of better advice for an entrepreneur. If you’re different, you will stand out.”

– Maya Khudabadi. 

Founder, Business Mantra

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