The Pursuit of Knowledge: Sneha Pradeep’s willingness to heal her patients

The human body is a powerful yet beautiful creation on earth that has left numerous scientists to discover more about it every day but still proves to be beyond our knowledge. Have you ever thought of your heart beating 35 million times a year? What if it stops? Or what if it takes a break? That is something no one can imagine happening.  It is the most complex system ever created. The more we learn about it, the more appreciation we have for what a rich system it is, just like Sneha, who has a strong fascination for the human body. 

Sneha Pradeep is a 28 - year old who wonders about the human body’s power and believes it’s the most beautiful creation of the universe. Sneha has pursued physiotherapy at KLE University, Belgaum, completing her post-graduation in orthopaedic manual therapy. 

Sneha completed her education in pursuit of knowledge on the human body, and she’s been transforming lives with her start-up Insync Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation at Whitefield, Bangalore.  Insync Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation is a team of highly skilled Physiotherapists, High-performance specialists, and Recovery Therapists working hand-in-hand to help clients achieve their highest potential. 

As said, your presence is the greatest gift you can give to other human beings, and the pleasure and transformation of Sneha’s patients is the greatest gift to her. Her presence has cured many people struggling to find relief for decades and people for whom other remedies did not work.  They all recovered and transformed over a short period with the help of this 28-year-old. Sneha uses all her knowledge to heal and care for her patients, which as a result, brings happiness to them. 

She was shocked to see her patients recovering and living their joyful lives through her treatment. She could not believe her eyes that she called it magic. So with this, she planned to do a deep analysis of physiotherapy, one of the powerful fields of healthcare. To understand more about this magic, Sneha Pradeep commenced with her start-up providing relief and care to thousands of patients today. During the journey, Sneha has actively led a few research studies, among which one received an award at an international conference in Mumbai.

Sneha has utilized her keen interest to discover more about this field and started Insync Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, understanding that physiotherapy can touch an individual beyond the physical dimension, benefitting many to live a healthy life. Sneha’s reason behind her work is her willingness to reach out to more people in need and provide them with excellent quality care. Today when people think million times just to help others, Sneha is creating an example to spread happiness and care around her. This belief in healing and caring for her patients has given her success today. 

Sneha also believes that happiness will be of abundance in your hands when you are ready to help others live the best of their lives. She says “My happiness comes from the transformation I see in my patients. To hold their hand, to be their support when their life seems to be falling apart; To be that empowering light in times of darkness is a responsibility I am honoured to fulfil every day.”

“It’s not the critic who counts. It’s not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done it differently. The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena…” 

Trusting the quote above, Sneha has taken the first step to care for her patients and heal them to live the healthy life they deserve. This has taught her to choose courage over comfort, as she always chooses to be brave. 

Sneha also believes in work-life balance, and according to her, one has to manage their time effectively so that at the end of the day, one will have time for themselves. 

“I believe in self-reflection and positive self-talk because you have to be your greatest support. Being hard on yourself never benefits anyone, but we subconsciously end up doing it anyway. It is important to have clarity within yourself, and a simple pause for a few minutes every day helps tremendously.” She adds. 

In this journey where Sneha has been taking care of her patients, it is her family taking care and helping her to be her best. Her family has been the strongest pillar of her journey, and it is her husband, with whom Sneha is the co-founder of Insync.  

This entire journey has made her realize her true potential, and she also understood that.  All we need is a positive approach to tackle anything that life throws at us. 

As Sneha is still working on her deep analysis in the field of physiotherapy, let us too keep learning, and love our profession just like how Sneha takes pride in it. 

Running a business can expose your vulnerabilities, but it can also be a great way for you to overcome them

Sneha Pradeep

Co-Founder - Insync

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