June marks the first month for the start of the monsoon in India. This is the time when the country is posted with good amounts of rain, and the farmers see this as a resourceful period. The monsoon rains are the time of the year, where various seasonal fruits are dependent for growth, whereas other flower and tree species flourish too.
But, this year unfortunately there has been very scarce rain throughout the country, due to which there is not enough harvest. The IMD on Friday reported that this deficit in rain, can lead to a decrease in the growth of paddy and ultimately leads to a late harvest. This is definitely not great news to the rice cultivars.
The rice cultivating states like Gujarat and Tamilnadu, will face a drastic depletion in the growth and cultivation of Rice.Paddy requires more amount of water, compared to other plant and vegetable to grow. As this month is seen as the sowing window for rice, it is crucial for the monsoon rains to be sufficient.
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