Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) distanced itself from its MP Kangana Ranaut’s recent statement about the controversial farm laws that sparked massive protests in 2020. While speaking in her Lok Sabha constituency of Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Ranaut suggested that the farm laws, which were repealed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government in 2021 after significant opposition, should be reinstated, and farmers themselves should demand their return. Acknowledging that her comments could stir controversy, she said, "The farmers are a pillar of strength for the nation’s development and I want to appeal to them — demand the laws back for your own good.” BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia clarified that Ranaut’s views are personal and do not reflect the party’s stance. He emphasised that she is not authorised to make such statements on behalf of the BJP, adding, “It doesn’t depict the BJP’s view on the farm bills.”


Kangana Ranaut’s tendency to make highly controversial statements has become a significant challenge for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is struggling to manage the actor-turned-politician’s outspoken nature. Her recent remarks, including her incendiary comments about rapes during the farmers' protests and her criticism of the caste census, have created enough controversy that the BJP had to publicly distance itself from her statements. The party emphasised that she is "not authorised to make statements on policy issues," a rare move for a party that usually maintains internal discipline.

Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

The situation is particularly awkward for the BJP because it is a party that values strict adherence to its public messaging. Deviations from the official party line are unusual, and the fact that Ranaut has repeatedly done so has prompted serious concern within the leadership. Her controversial remarks have forced the party into damage control mode, which culminated in a gag order against her and a summons from BJP president JP Nadda on August 29, 2024.

The difficulty in managing Ranaut likely stems from her high-profile status as a celebrity, her strong social media presence, and her loyal base of supporters. While her bold persona aligns with the BJP’s nationalist rhetoric, her unpredictable and often provocative commentary has created a conundrum for the leadership. Balancing her star power and appeal with the need for discipline and control over public messaging is proving to be a complex task for the party.


Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

Kangana Ranaut's recent string of gaffes, such as misidentifying former President Ram Nath Kovind and displaying a lack of awareness in interviews, has added to the BJP's challenges in managing her public image. While these missteps have embarrassed both her and the party, it is important to note that Ranaut enjoys considerable popularity among a section of the BJP’s grassroots supporters and pro-Hindutva segments on social media. This popularity gives her a unique standing within the BJP ecosystem, making it more complicated for the leadership to rein her in without alienating a vocal and passionate portion of its base.

The dynamic between Ranaut and the BJP leadership reflects a broader struggle within the party: balancing her appeal with the need for discipline and consistency in its public messaging. Ranaut’s outspoken nature and her strong stances on Hindutva, nationalism, and other core issues resonate with many BJP supporters, but her frequent misstatements and off-the-cuff remarks risk undermining the party’s credibility. The BJP has distanced itself from her controversial statements, even summoning her for a meeting with party president JP Nadda, singling that the leadership is trying to maintain some control over her public role. However, it remains to be seen if the party can effectively manage her without diminishing her influence among a certain section of its supporters.

Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

Given Ranaut’s high profile, her connections with Hindutva ideologues, and her large following on social media, the BJP is walking a fine line. The party likely views her as a valuable figure who can mobilise support, but her unpredictability poses ongoing risks. Whether the BJP can navigate this balance effectively depends on its ability to maintain internal discipline while still leveraging her popularity without further controversies.

Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

The Game of U-Turns and Walkbacks

The BJP’s dilemma with Kangana Ranaut stems from the fact that she is a multifaceted figure whose personality, acting career, and political engagement are deeply intertwined. Unlike other actor-turned-politicians like Smriti Irani, who fully committed to politics, or Ravi Kishan, who keeps his acting career separate from his political work, Ranaut occupies a unique space. Her outspoken views on nationalism, Hindutva, and controversial socio-political topics have made her a lightning rod for attention, which was previously beneficial to the BJP when she operated as an independent supporter of their ideology.

Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

However, as an MP, Ranaut’s unfiltered public comments are now seen as a liability. The "gag order" placed by the party highlights the challenge of controlling her public persona, but insiders believe that such an order may not be sustainable. Even if she refrains from political statements, her media appearances and social media activity are likely to generate controversy, and since she is now formally tied to the BJP, these controversies inevitably reflect on the party itself. Ranaut’s tendency to attract trolling and criticism, not just from anti-BJP groups but also from neutral and pro-BJP circles, has compounded the problem. Her critics within the BJP argue that she was more effective as a free agent supporting the party’s causes, particularly in promoting its ideology and attacking rivals. Now, as a sitting MP, her missteps and polarising comments have become a direct burden on the BJP, and her unpredictable nature makes her difficult to manage.

Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

The BJP is caught in a difficult situation where it has to balance her popularity and influence among a certain faction of its support base while minimising the damage caused by her controversial statements. Ranaut’s critics believe that her current role as a BJP MP undermines her value as a public figure, whose sharp rhetoric once played a significant role in the party’s ideological battles. Now, her controversies are harming the party more than helping, creating a long-term conundrum for the BJP’s leadership. The BJP’s challenge with Kangana Ranaut extends far beyond just her outspoken remarks; it also involves managing the fallout from her political film *Emergency*, which could ignite fresh controversies. As the film portrays Indira Gandhi's regime during the Emergency period, it is expected to be critical of the Congress, which may align with the BJP's political narrative. However, promoting such a politically charged movie may give Ranaut another platform to make controversial statements, especially in the current political climate.

Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?

The BJP appears to be wary of this potential outcome, as even party insiders acknowledge that it will be difficult to prevent her from commenting on present-day politics during the film's promotional campaign. While the BJP may benefit from the film's critical take on Congress-era policies, it runs the risk of Ranaut's unfiltered comments straying into contentious issues, potentially creating more damage than good. A BJP leader has even suggested that she should stick to discussing her constituency if she needs to comment on politics.

Ranaut’s prior controversies, especially her remarks during the farmers' protests, have already made her a divisive figure in states like Punjab. Her alleged altercation with a Sikh CRPF constable, during which she reportedly made derogatory comments, has only worsened her image in the region. If *Emergency* contains any content that is perceived as disrespectful toward Sikh figures or their history, it could exacerbate tensions, further complicating the BJP’s already tenuous standing in Punjab.

The BJP is not just facing challenges from regional backlash, but a broader issue of how to control a high-profile MP like Ranaut, whose personal and political commentary often overshadows her party's messaging. As she continues to blur the lines between her acting career and political role, the BJP's leadership will likely find it increasingly difficult to contain the damage from her public statements, both political and non-political.

Managing Ranaut's actions, especially in the run-up to *Emergency*, is crucial for the BJP, as her comments and controversies could continue to spiral out of control, overshadowing the party's political objectives and causing more harm than benefit.

Is Kangana Becoming an 'Emergency' for BJP?


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