- PM Modi kicks off a 26-km long roadshow in Bengaluru, greeted by thousands of people
- Entire ALH (Advanced Light Helicopter) Dhruv fleet grounded after recent crash
- UK cops arrest protestors carrying Not My King placards on their way to coronation
- King Charles' Coronation Procession Begins In London
- In probably a first, women passenger gets bitten by a scorpion aboard an Air India flight
- On its opening dayGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 earned 7.3 crores in India
- Pakistan's claim of meeting loan conditions denied by the IMF
- Amid violence in Manipur, IndiGo announces additional flights
- Saudia Airlines offers a flash sale with discounts of up to 60% on 7 destinations
- SC rejects bail plea of Ex-CMD of Amrapali Group
- CBI raids seven premises of Jet Airways in the 538Cr bank scam case
- BLACKPINK’s LISA's solo album surpasses 1 billion streams on Spotify
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