- PM Modi set to dazzle Bengaluru with a 4.5km-long roadshow
- Pope Francis grants women the right to vote at a bishop's meeting
- Indian Oil and Tesla Power USA collaborate to sell batteries in India
- Wikipedia is fined ₹19.93 lacks by a Russian court for failing to remove "banned" material from its military
- India's Increasing Work Hours Will Be Reviewed by the International Labour Organisation
- Solicitor General compared Same-Sex Marriage to investing in the ongoing legal battle in Supreme Court
- India sends INS Tarkash to evacuate civilians from Sudan - More than 36 Law school students condemn BCI resolution over Same-Sex Marriage - Mobs thrash over 17 policemen, the set station on fire as a protest against a 17-yr old girl's alleged rape & murder
- End of Hotstar? WB & HBO content to now be available on Jio Cinema.
- Singapore executed an Indian-origin drug trafficker, ignoring pleas for clemency
- US refuses visas to a Sri Lankan governor charged with killings during the civil war
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