Travel hacks you can use while going abroad for the first time

Have you ever wanted to go out of your own country? If you haven’t then it is the chance. Travelling itself is a very exciting and fun way to explore. It may not be as easy as it seems. The experience can be horrifying too at times. Well below listed are some travelling abroad tips for first-timers:

(Bunch of tricks and tips to travel for the first time)

#1 Choose the destination very wisely 

#2 Consider signing up for travel rewards: Travel expenses are huge so why not use the opportunity to earn a bonus? Once you have the perfect card for your trip, make sure to use it to the maximum level 

#3 Make sure to have a passport ready and check if the visa is required 

(Keep your passport and visa ready)

#4 Email yourself a scan of your passport: Carrying a hard copy of your passport is important, but forgetfulness or theft and loss can create trouble. Emailing yourself a scan of your passport will ensure that you’re away from any problems that might stop you from travelling.

#5 Make sure to research the country, language, etc.:

(Know more about the country you are going to visit)

When making plans for a first-time visit abroad make sure to research everything including the area, the weather, the people, the tradition, and the language. Learn the basics of some languages spoken there.

#6 Try to avoid overpacking: 

(Overpacking can create problems, packing should be wisely done)

It’s a common INDIAN mistake to overpack useless items. Rather bring some good useful technology which will be helpful. 

#7  Always carry a portable battery: Carrying a portable battery will be a lifesaver in travels. 

#8 Don’t forget to get travel insurance: A common fear that comes across is that what if I hurt myself? Anything can happen so travel insurance is mandatory.

#9 Learn how to deal with jet lag: After a long trip, jet lag can be a mood spoiler. Also, you should take it easy the day you arrive and with time slowly one can overcome jet lag completely. 

#10 Private rooms at hostels are a catcher: Private rooms at hostels can help save you a lot of bucks. Private rooms give you personal space as well as help you make new friends and boost your confidence to travel alone. 

#11 Download Google Maps for offline use: 

(Google Maps can be Savior in traveling)

If you can't guarantee your data connection or are someone who always likes having backups to feel safe, you can always try downloading Google Maps so that you can use it even when you are offline. All you need is enough storage and a good internet connection. The process to download Google Maps is one simple step- Go on the map to the area you want to save, type ‘ok map’ into the search option, and then press ‘Download’.

#12 Turn on “private browsing” for cheaper flights: Always check the flight price and how much they differ, researching early is better than regretting later! Also, Book overnight flights and buses to save on lodging. The best way to kill two birds with one stone - is you get to sleep for free and stay on the move to your destination while sleeping. 

#13 A great way to save more than just a few bucks would be to figure out the add-ons you may require: Extra luggage, priority boarding, airport lounges, seat reservation, or travel insurance.

#14 Always call the hotel for a better rate and do away with online taxes: Instead of wasting your time browsing thousands of websites, you should just call the hotel directly, not only will they let you know about the offers but also you will be able to get the hotel and manager from inside. 

#15 THE BOTTOM LINE: International travel has a few more extra parts than domestic travel. Having everything planned in a well systematic manner you’ll be able to experience the best of the best experience. 

(Travelling can calm your soul)

As we all agree Travel makes us happy, we met new people, visit new places, explore new things and break out of our daily routine, all this may help in improving our mental health as well. 

Try the tips and hope you have a blast exploring! 

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