Mega-cities from New York to Mumbai under threat of rising sea level, says report

Many of the world's largest cities, including New York and Mumbai, are at risk from rising sea levels. The report states that by 2050, hundreds of millions of people living in coastal cities will be exposed to flooding and other extreme weather events. In New York, rising sea levels are expected to increase the risk of flooding and storm surges. The city is taking measures to protect itself, including building sea walls and implementing green infrastructure projects.

Mumbai, which is located on India's west coast, is also at risk from rising sea levels. The city is already prone to flooding during the monsoon season, and rising sea levels are expected to make the problem worse. The city is implementing a range of measures to protect itself, including building sea walls and improving drainage systems.Other cities at risk from rising sea levels include Shanghai, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Miami. 

Here are 10 cities in the world also reported to be at risk of rising sea levels:

Miami, USA - Miami is one of the most vulnerable cities in the world to rising sea levels due to its low elevation and porous limestone foundation.

Amsterdam, Netherlands - Amsterdam is a coastal city with much of its land situated below sea level. It is already at risk of flooding, and rising sea levels will only increase the danger.

Shanghai, China - Shanghai is situated on the Yangtze River delta, and is at risk from rising sea levels and storm surges.

Lagos, Nigeria - Lagos is a coastal city on the Gulf of Guinea, and is at risk from both rising sea levels and increasing storm activity.

Osaka, Japan - Osaka is a port city that is already dealing with issues related to rising sea levels, including more frequent flooding.

Alexandria, Egypt - Alexandria is a coastal city that is already experiencing coastal erosion due to rising sea levels.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Rio de Janeiro is a coastal city that is at risk from sea level rise and storm surges.

Jakarta, Indonesia - Jakarta is sinking at a rate of 10 inches per year due to excessive groundwater pumping, which makes it even more vulnerable to rising sea levels.

New Orleans, USA - New Orleans is already at risk of flooding due to its low elevation and the presence of levees, and rising sea levels will only make the problem worse.

Venice, Italy - Venice is a low-lying city that is at risk from both rising sea levels and subsidence caused by groundwater extraction.

The report calls for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming, which is driving sea level rise. It also recommends measures to adapt to the impacts of rising sea levels, including building sea walls, improving drainage systems, and moving infrastructure and communities away from high-risk areas.

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