Spotify's New Anthem: Don't forget to recharge before you join

Before joining, recharge your batteries. This is the motto of Spotify. Everyone’s favourite music streaming platform has announced its “Wellness Week” for their employees. Throughout the first week of November from November 1 to November 5, Spotify offices worldwide will be closed as part of Wellness Week. Spotify believes in mental health and resting before working. They want their employees to take care of themselves, spend time with their families and joined back with great spirit.

This initiative was taken by Spotify last year 2021. As a result of Covid, many people experienced stress and trauma in the years 2020 and 2021. Most people were struggling, many were apart from their families. Also, managing personal and work life was a big question. In this difficult time launching something like Wellness Week was a successful concept. All employees were taking a breath, cooling their heads and connecting to their spirits. This idea has changed their lives. 

“It didn’t matter what our employees did with their week – the only stipulation we had in place was that everyone disconnected. We all took time away from the everyday flurry of emails, messages and video meetings,” said Spotify.

Spotify Offices

After Spotify, many other companies like We Work, and Meesho has opted for this strategy for the well-being of their employees. Global office space provider We Work has extended its employees' Diwali vacation. An online shopping platform Meesho as well announced their work break and ask their employees to rest and then join.

Spotify is the first Company to change its work culture in the favour of its employees. Spotify quoted, "Taking time out is not a magic potion that fixes underlying mental health issues, but looking after our people and giving them the space to take this kind of break is what being a true people-first organisation is all about. That’s why we’re doing it again this year."

Spotify has always been on top not just for music but also for the stock market. Shares of Spotify have taken a huge jump from April 2022 with a rise of 19.4% in its share price. It is a growing music platform which offers a great experience to its customers.  Comparatively, Spotify has more users than Apple. Hence, Spotify has become a rival opponent to Apple. According to EU law, Apple violated the EU's competition laws and possessed anti-competitive behaviour in April 2021.

Thus, Spotify has lodged an antitrust complaint against Apple with the European Union. Spotify's success is attributed to the fact that they provide over 80 million songs, and they add 40000 songs per day as well as 4 million podcasts every day.   Spotify's popularity is undeniable among music lovers and its employees following the announcement of Wellness Week.

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