What are some famous moments where one sportsman respected the other?

Sport is like a sweet that is loved by all, leaving no space for bitter feelings. Sometimes sportspersons are confronted by crossroads in front of them. What they choose to do decides not how much fame they will receive or how many people will follow them till years later but rather- how much they have understood this sweet they call Sport. Each sport asks for discipline but also humility and humanity- the core values of a human guide, even a sportsperson is to earn respect.

When Rafael Nadal expressed his emotions as his long-time rival Roger Federer retired, the internet burst out with love and appreciation. This was one legend crying for another -even though on the court they were arch-enemies. This is the spirit of sportsmanship that reflects in true athletes.

Here are some classic examples of sportsmanship reinstate our belief in humanity:

  Famous gestures of respect in sports (Image source: steemit)


 Famous gestures of respect in sports (Image source: Steemit)

The Greatest Olympic Prize-: A 24-Carat friendship 

Bringing life to Pierre Coubertin’s (Founder of Olympics) vision, the story of friendship between Luz Long and Jesse Owens still represents sportsmanship in its truest form. Travelling 3000 miles for the trial jump, Jesse turned red with anger at Deh Fuhrer’s (Hitler’s) conspiracies to win the Olympics with his “master race” to add more to his Nazi theories. He found himself making two fouls in the trials thanks to a troubled mind. As he sat down disappointed, the German Luz Long consoled him and advised him to draw the line a few inches back of the board. They talked for two long hours that night, and Long broke his previous record on the final day, but his confidence pushed Owens to do even better and set the Olympic record. The embrace they shared for this moment, despite Hitler being completely dissatisfied, is a symbol of their friendship. Luz died in the WWII fight, but this story of his sportsmanship still lives on.

The Black and the White in a grey area of humanity (Image source: The Independent)

The Black and the White in a grey area of humanity (Image source: The Independent)

Sports Beast with a heart of gold

West Ham’s Italian striker Paolo Di Canio won the FIFA Fair Play Award after a game against Everton. As Everton’s goalkeeper Paul Gerrard collapsed from a hit that caused him a leg injury, the opponents(West Ham) continued to play and passed the goal to Di Canio for him to strike against Everton, but instead of firing into an easy goal, the G.O.A.T. caught the ball to stop the game and ensured that his opponent was in good enough condition. This earned him applause from the opponents, and the echoes of his kind-hearted gesture still ring in the ears of sports lovers.

 A sweeter Victory (Image source: West Ham Twitter)

A sweeter Victory (Image source: West Ham Twitter)

The flag must fly high

At the International Figure Skating Autumn Classic in Ontario, Canada(Sept. 2019), as the Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu emerged victorious, the Canadian Competitor Keegan Messing noticed the absence of the flag while the Japanese Victory Anthem was played. The Canadian unfurled the Japanese flag kept behind the podium and the Japanese stepped down in respect for his flag. The flag, or rather its absence gave rise to the true values of respect and honesty. Yuzuru Hanyu bowed to his competitor as the anthem came to an end and the crowd's cheers rang throughout the Hall. 

 Bow to the flag and the flag-bearer (Image source: CBC)

Bow to the flag and the flag-bearer (Image source: CBC)

The George Medal Story: A car crash and beyond

At Formula One’s 1973 Grand Prix, Roger Williamson crashed in only his 2nd race. David Purley abandoned his car and the race to rush to the side of the miserable Williamson surrounded by poorly-equipped stewards. He tried to overturn the car but despite his attempts to put out the fire and call out to fellow drivers for help, Williamson died due to asphyxiation. Although a tragic end, what David did might have helped Williamson believe that somebody cares enough to try and stop a car from burning.

David helping Williamson (Image source: Pinterest)

David helping Williamson (Image source: Pinterest)

The Applauded Wait

In the 2012 Cross-Country Race, Abel Mutai of Kenya displayed brilliance in the race but due to his misunderstanding, he stopped thinking he had crossed the ending line. The Spanish, Ivan Fernandez Anaya, performed commendably as he maintained the 2nd position recognising the error. He bravely decided not to overtake but rather to cheer on and guide Abel Mutai to cross the finish line.

 Guide to the race (Image source: International Fair Play Committee website)

Guide to the race (Image source: International Fair Play Committee website)

Give me a Penalty! 

One of the most mind-boggling ones is from the PGA TOUR when Brain Davis called a two-stroke penalty on himself.  Despite his astounding performance, one of his swings caused a reed to move and the referee missed it, standing 30 km away but Davis, with honesty, decided to inform whatever had happened instead of basking in fake victory. “I admire him for what he did. It's a testament to our game and the people that play on the TOUR”, as Jim Furyk, his competitor stated in his winner’s interview. 

Brian Davis shaking hands with his opponent, Furyk. (Image source: Metro UK)

Brian Davis shaking hands with his opponent, Furyk. (Image source: Metro UK)

All these stories just convey what a big world it is. Each incident is a testimony to the beauty of the words- “compassion and empathy”. Many of these noble players have already breathed their last but their stories shall continue to give life to more players. And of course, as we tearfully bid goodbye to our legend, Roger Federer, our respect for the two sportspersons who had love and compassion for each other despite their competitive fervour in their sports, just goes up manifold.

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