Thailand Unveils New Electric Blue Tarantula Species

A new species of tarantula with a mesmerising electric blue colour has been discovered in the forests of Thailand. During an expedition to Phang-Nga province, a group of Thai researchers discovered the spider, which they named Chilobrachys natanicharum. The discovery was detailed in a study published in a research journal on September 18.

Thailand Unveils New Electric Blue Tarantula Species

The blue coloration of the tarantula is not the result of pigment but rather a unique instance of structural coloring. Tiny nanoscopic structures on the spider's body reflect light in a way that shimmers blue and violet. This type of structural coloration is rare in nature, making the blue tarantula particularly fascinating.

The researchers explained that blue is one of the rarest colours to appear in nature, as an object needs to absorb very small amounts of energy while reflecting high-energy blue light to appear blue. The tarantula's ability to exhibit this coloration demonstrates remarkable adaptability.

Thailand Unveils New Electric Blue Tarantula Species

The electric blue tarantula is known to inhabit hollow trees in evergreen forests, but in mangrove forests, their habitat is restricted to residing inside tree hollows due to the influence of tides. Catching these spiders is challenging, as it requires climbing trees and luring them out of complex hollows in humid and slippery conditions.

The researchers emphasised the importance of taxonomy in understanding and preserving species. Taxonomy plays a vital role in identifying and researching species, from answering basic inquiries about spider names to conducting crucial research aimed at preserving these species from extinction.

The discovery of the electric blue tarantula adds to the diversity of tarantulas found in Thailand and highlights the unique adaptations and colorations found in nature. Further research on these spiders could provide valuable insights into their behaviour, ecology, and conservation needs.

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