100 Things That Will Make India A Great Country To Live

India is considered a melting pot of one of the world's widest ranges of ethnic, cultural and racial groups in the world. As citizens of this wonderful country, it is our responsibility to do everything in our ability to raise the standard of living in India for both the present and future generations.

Effective deeds, such as protecting the environment, supporting family values, helping commuters, and the women's community, and instilling morality in children, can considerably aid in the development of the country. Here we enlist a 100 things that will make the country the best country in the world to live in  - in the next 25 years.
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Nurture nature! 20 steps of 100

Cut back on your use of plastic.
Reuse, Recycle, Recover, and Reduce your environmental impact
Plant trees
Avoid leaving trash in public areas.
Avoid spitting in public.
Avoid cutting down trees.
Be knowledgeable about garbage management strategies.
Begin using environmentally friendly or green products.
Encourage more people to use eco-friendly products.
Reduce the use of vehicles instead, frequent walks or bike rides with your family.
Spread the word about the push for a paperless workplace.
Make household water-related repairs to conserve water.
Give birds food.
To ensure the safety of the bird, avoid the culture of kite flying.
Adopt pets.
Coordinate several successful efforts to protect our natural resources.
Keep the beach as clean as possible.
Don't draw on public or historical property.
Discuss the use of natural resources.
Adopt the practice of depositing waste or garbage in a dustbin.
Encourage societal harmony and serenity! 20 steps of 100

Reduce the use of car horns unnecessarily. 
Meditate, then instruct or enjoin others to do the same.
Spend time in nature
Practice patience in all parts of life, and learn about the key factors contributing to violence in your community. ,
Practice self-love and care.
When required, even if it's late, apologize.
Enrol in the voting process (and do it!)
Contribute to the needy by volunteering at a shelter
What, in your opinion, does the term "peace" mean?
When you witness someone acting in a sexist, racist, etc. manner, call them out and make them understand. 
Spend time with a person who feels left out or lonely.
To foster neighbourhood unity, plan a block celebration.
Declare your opposition to harassment and racism.
Learn meditative methods for discussion and communication.
Go to different religious places of worship.
Make friends with an overseas exchange student or host them.
Invite guests to a global social gathering and invite them to bring dishes from different cultures.
To supper, invite a guest from another Nation.
Write a poem, short story, or article about tolerance and acceptance.
Organize a peace prayer meeting.

Uphold community ethics ! 20 steps of 100

Show others respect
Provide food for animals.
Eliminate the stigma associated with mental illness and Caste
Treat Transgender people with respect.
Avoid conversations that could cause a large-scale commotion.
Make breastfeeding socially acceptable in public
Abstain from unwarranted racial, religious, or caste judgments
Treat each individual fairly
Develop your knowledge of culture and heritage
Plan a vacation to spend time with friends and family.
Take firm steps to stop abuse and violence.
Encourage people to discuss their struggles in public
Don't offer anyone money unless they are in need or its an emergency
Don't criticize people's status or culture.
Volunteer to support one another
Set up numerous efforts to lessen widespread mistreatment based on caste or colour
Name the con artists who solicit donations in the name of God.
Be vocal about stopping body shaming
Respect the legal rights of single parents
Support working women who are employed to provide for their families.
Strengthen children 'cos Kids don’t know caste or colour! 20 steps of 100

Make friendships between people of different gender and sexes more normal
Don't react angrily to youngsters.
Stop intimidating them with threats.
Accept the boy crying.
Be supportive of kids who get bad grades.
Refrain from using foul language around youngsters.
Spend quality time with your children 
Avoid fights and arguments when they are present.
Never ignore a question from your youngster.
Let kids play with others, especially girls.
Stop giving children forced meals
Encourage them to read new books and watch different movies.
Allow them the flexibility to discover new, worthwhile activities.
Encourage kids to participate in outdoor sports
Spend family time with kids to strengthen relationships
Don't laugh when kids cry
Form hygiene habits
Share a meal as a family.
Talk to your child in a constructive way.
Encourage your child's education.
Ensure the security and safety of women 'cos Her smile does matter! 20 steps to a 100

Teach self-defence skills to your female students.
Support women’s education
Dispel the notion that only women work in the kitchen
Conduct campaigns to raise awareness of the issue
Pay attention to women's issues since they are important as well.
Dispel the stereotype that women are weak.
Treat every employee fairly and equally at work.
Never make physical remarks about another person.
Trans women should be treated like other women.
In public spaces, sit correctly in front of women.
Instead of using adjectives like "cute" or "beautiful," try using "talented" or "honest."
Compliment the woman without demeaning other ladies
Follow female athletes. similar to other sports
Promote equal pay
She is promoted in the same way as others. Their management style may differ from others'
Teach your sons to respect women, listen to them, and believe in them.
Normalize the purchase of female bras.
Stop hurting women in the name of customs.
Don't automatically believe that all women are drawn to guys
Make sure she feels comfortable around you before going close to her.
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