Former Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal's vehicle was reportedly attacked during a campaign event in New Delhi on January 18, 2025. The AAP has accused members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of orchestrating the attack, claiming that stones were hurled at his car as he was conducting a door-to-door campaign in the New Delhi Assembly constituency. AAP released a video showing the moment a stone struck Kejriwal's vehicle, and they alleged that this incident was part of a broader strategy by the BJP to disrupt their campaign efforts.
In response to the allegations, the BJP has denied any involvement in the attack. Party officials suggested that the incident was exaggerated and claimed that it stemmed from public dissatisfaction with Kejriwal's governance, particularly regarding issues like water quality. They argued that residents were merely expressing their frustrations rather than participating in an organized attack against him.
The AAP took to social media to express their outrage, stating, "Fearing defeat, BJP panicked and got its goons to attack Arvind Kejriwal," and emphasized that such tactics would not intimidate them. They asserted that Kejriwal remains committed to his campaign despite these challenges.
This incident occurs in the context of heightened political tensions as both parties gear up for the upcoming assembly elections. The AAP has accused the BJP of employing "dirty tactics" to undermine their electoral prospects, while the BJP has criticized Kejriwal's administration and questioned his accountability to constituents.
As this situation continues to develop, both parties are likely to leverage these events in their respective campaigns leading up to the elections.
How did the BJP respond to the AAP's accusations?
In response to the Aam Aadmi Party's (AAP) accusations regarding the attack on Arvind Kejriwal's vehicle, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has firmly denied any involvement. BJP officials have characterized the incident as exaggerated and suggested that it reflects public discontent with Kejriwal's governance rather than a coordinated attack by party members.BJP leader Anurag Thakur stated that the AAP is attempting to divert attention from its failures in managing critical issues such as infrastructure, water quality, and pollution in Delhi.
He emphasized that if AAP's policies were effective, there would be no need for such dramatics, implying that the party is resorting to victimhood to mask its shortcomings.Additionally, BJP president J.P. Nadda accused Kejriwal of being out of touch with the realities faced by Delhi residents. He claimed that the AAP government has failed to deliver on its promises and is now trying to shift blame onto the BJP.
The BJP's narrative suggests that AAP's claims are a tactic to garner sympathy ahead of the upcoming assembly elections.Overall, the BJP has positioned itself as a party focused on accountability and transparency, challenging AAP to address the pressing issues facing Delhi rather than engaging in what they describe as baseless allegations.
With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies
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