Indian-American mathematician C R Rao awarded International Prize in Statistics at 102

The 2023 International Prize in Statistics has been awarded to Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao, a distinguished mathematician and statistician of Indian-American origin.This award is equivalent to the Nobel Prize in the field of statistics and is being given to Rao in recognition of his groundbreaking work over 75 years ago that transformed statistical thinking.

Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao

Despite the passage of time, Rao's work continues to have a profound impact on the scientific community, according to the International Prize in Statistics Foundation. Rao, who is currently 102 years old, will be presented with the award and its accompanying prize money of $80,000 at the International Statistical Institute World Statistics Congress in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, in July of this year.

Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao

Guy Nason, the Chair of the International Prize in Statistics Foundation, expressed his admiration for Rao's contributions by stating that the award celebrates the remarkable achievements of Rao's work, which not only revolutionized statistical thinking in its time but also continues to have a significant influence on scientific understanding in a wide range of disciplines.

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