Global robotics summit to be hosted in Hyderabad

The first-ever Global Robotics Summit in India will take place in Hyderabad on July 21 and 22 at the Novotel in the HICC complex, marking an intriguing shift toward science and technology. The two-day event will showcase the most recent advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence to participants from 25 nations. The summit's goal is to provide a forum for industry pioneers, researchers, and enthusiasts to discuss robotics' future work and share innovative ideas. There will be conversations, live meetings, and exhibits of trend-setting innovations as a component of the highest point.


Workshops on everything from industrial automation to healthcare robotics will also be presented at the summit. Exhibitions of various robots and AI systems will also be held by various businesses and academic institutions. A year-long series of robotics-related events will begin with the Global Robotics Summit in each of the 25 participating nations. The Director of All India Advanced Mechanics Affiliation (AIRA), Kisshhan PSV communicated his happiness over partaking in and facilitating India's very first Worldwide Mechanical Technology Culmination in Hyderabad. He referred to this occasion as the city's success.

PSV stated, "We are thrilled and excited to host India's first Global Robotics summit in Hyderabad." From July 2023, robotics and automation investment announcements will be made worldwide in Hyderabad. Officials announced that the GRS will continue various events in various nations until July 2024.

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