Monday is the Worst Day of the week, now certified by The Guinness Book of World Records

Oh no! Monday Again.

There are very few people who like Mondays and that’s also because they may have weekly offs on that day. After weekends full of fun no one wants to work for long hectic working hours and that eventually becomes the reason for hating Monday by the majority of people around the world. On Monday, October 17, the Guinness World Records officially declared Monday as ‘ the worst day of the week’.

Their tweet said,” We’re officially giving Monday the record of the Worst day of the week".

The comments sections of the tweet have been flooded since then by numerous users sharing their thoughts, memes and jokes on the record. 

We all have experienced Monday blues. It is quite hard to get up on a Monday morning and go to work. Especially when you have spent a stress-free and fun-filled weekend, the first day of the week becomes a burden and puts a great amount of stress on the first day of the week. The declaration of the Guinness World Records about Monday being the worst day of the week was something we all can agree with.

Monday traffic

One of the users wrote. "It's official! Petition to have a 3-day weekend.” Another commented, “ Took you long enough,” it read to which Guinness World Records quickly replied, “ IKR (I know, right).”

A few more comments were like, “that feeling of Sunday evening is much worse than Monday morning”, and “ Monday happens to be as anyone can personally take it because Monday means change and few people find fun in change. Change from weekend vibes to work vibes truth be told, no one loves to work. People hate their workplaces but have to show up because they have to work to survive.”

Not sure whether it was a joke or for real but eventually everyone who is going through this Monday trauma thing felt happy that they are not alone in this feeling of not liking Mondays, and that the day is being hated worldwide.

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