10 ways to know you are doing better than you think

Life can be harsh on some days and feel like a breeze on others. It can bring out various emotions and teach you things as we move along. We tend to adapt to our surroundings much faster and achieve a high state of being just by surviving but on those dreadfully awkward embarrassing days, we feel alone and a failure. But we all tend to forget that happiness is a state of mind.

As Plato said "The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depends upon himself, and not upon other men, has adopted the very best plan for living happily"; we all need to look inside and enjoy the progress we make each day. We have been made to think we are in a race to reach someplace where we will find eternal peace and joy, but we miss the point of living. Let us focus on the 10 things that we all should be grateful for, which remind us that we are doing better than we think. 

1.  You're Alive and Breathing: Embrace the gift of life and all the opportunities it brings. Appreciate it with every living breath.

2.  You're Pursuing Your Passions: Engaging in activities that ignite your soul is a beacon of joy. It is a positive aspect of life which should be cherished. 

3.  You're Growing and Learning: Embrace every opportunity for personal development and growth. We are able to learn more from our failures than our successes. Being around people who might have a different opinion than yours is again helpful in balancing you out and maybe seeing things from another perspective, which helps in personal growth and maturity. 

4.  You Have Supportive Relationships: Surrounding yourself with encouraging individuals is a treasure. Having people who love and support you through thick and thin is a valuable asset. 

5.  You Prioritize Self-Care: Caring for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being is a sign of self-respect. You understand when and why things stress you and are able to respond in a calm manner. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever" as said by John Keats, should be applied to ourselves first.  

6.  You're Making Progress, No Matter How Slow: Every step forward, no matter how small, is a significant stride. You understand that success doesn't come overnight. 

7.  You're Open to New Experiences: Being receptive to fresh opportunities fosters a rich and diverse life. Being adaptable and open to change indicates resilience and a willingness to evolve.

8.  You're Resilient: Overcoming challenges showcases your inner strength and fortitude. Every day is a new day. 

9.  You Practice Gratitude: Recognizing the beauty in your life promotes a positive mindset. Having an off day is fine, as long as we don't forget to thank for whatever we have achieved.

10.  You're Setting Boundaries: Knowing your limits and valuing your own needs is an act of self-love. People will always try to take from you, it is you who understands to prioritize the order. 

These points are powerful reminders that you're on the right track, and that your journey is filled with accomplishments, no matter how subtle they may seem. Embrace your path, for you are doing better than you think. 

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