How important is for you to get a job?

The constant development of automation and technology, shifting societal values, and shifting economic landscapes have all contributed to a fundamental alteration in the very nature of employment in recent years. Whether we still need to work in the classic sense is the question that looms huge before us now. Although it reaches the very essence of who we are and evokes strong arguments on both sides, the answer to this issue is not at all straightforward.

Photo: Office desk

Reasons for the Need to Work (Yes):

  1. Economic Sustainability: Both on an individual and social level, employment is necessary for economic sustainability. It provides the resources and income both citizens and governments need to meet their demands and pay for basic services.
  2. Sense of Purpose: For many people, working serves as more than simply a means of reaching an end; it also serves as a source of identity and purpose. It is where people confront difficulties to conquer and goals to pursue, giving their lives direction and meaning.
  3. Progress and invention: Work is the engine of invention and technical development. New concepts, items, and services are created through work, advancing society and enhancing the quality of life.
  4. Social Connections: At work, we establish relationships, make friends, and create professional networks. Our mental and emotional health is greatly enhanced by the social aspects of work, which also strengthen our feeling of community.
  5. Contributing to Society: By providing necessary services and meeting urgent needs, many professions have a direct positive impact on society. Their work strengthens the social fabric of our communities and makes them better places to live, whether it is via healing, educating, or protecting.

Photo: office

Reasons against the Need to Work (No):

  1. Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation: The potential for automation and artificial intelligence to carry out many activities more effectively and precisely than humans is enormous. With more development, it would be feasible to provide for basic human requirements without the need for traditional labour.
  2. Innovation and Creativity: People who are not constrained by the demands of traditional jobs may have more time and energy to engage in creative pursuits, which could result in advancements in a variety of sectors, such as the arts, sciences, and technology.
  3. Reduced Stress and Better Well-Being: Stressful modern workplaces can cause burnout and health problems. The need for traditional jobs may be lessened, which may result in reduced stress, better mental health, and more overall well-being.
  4. Personal Freedom and Autonomy: Our personal freedom and autonomy are frequently restricted by the restrictive framework of traditional labour. Imagine a society where people have greater freedom to manage their time, planning their days according to their hobbies and passions rather than the obligations of work.
  5. Engagement in the Community and Volunteering: If we had more free time, we could actively participate in community service and other activities that would improve our lives and the world around us.

Photo: office Desk

In the constantly changing environment, the answer to the question of whether we still need to work is neither "yes" nor "no." It necessitates striking a balance between valuing financial security and individual fulfilment and investigating reimagined work compatible with shifting values and technological capabilities. Though the nature of labour may change, its tremendous influence on how our lives and communities are developed will never diminish. The improvement of our lives and communities is when employment truly adds value. This trip encourages us to rethink work, modify it to meet our changing requirements, and create a future where a harmonic balance between work and well-being is a benchmark for success.


An opinion piece by Shreya Suryawanshi

The views expressed in this article are personal. They do not reflect the opinions, beliefs, or positions of Vygr and Vygr Media Private Limited.