Elon Musk in Shambles: Laid-Off Employees Still Await Severance Check

Twitter Inc. employees who were laid off shortly after Elon Musk took over are still awaiting details of their severance packages months after being let go, resulting in further legal trouble for the new owner. Among the unpaid bills at one of Twitter's San Francisco offices are rent, software services, and private chartered plane flights.

Twitter Lay-Offs

On November 4, just a week after taking control of Twitter, Musk laid off roughly 50% of the company's over 7,000 employees. According to documents that were submitted to the state, nearly 1,000 of those who were terminated resided in California. Over the past two months, those employees were required to continue receiving regular paychecks under state and federal law.

However, on Wednesday, the official date of termination for California employees, that 60-day period came to an end. According to three laid-off employees, they have not received any information regarding additional severance or the continuation of health coverage, also known as COBRA.

Twitter Lay-Offs

In October 2020, Twitter laid off 7,500 employees, or roughly half of its workforce. The layoffs were part of a restructuring effort led by new owner Elon Musk.Many of the affected employees are still waiting for their severance checks, with some saying they have not yet been paid.

The layoffs included long-tenured engineers and a growing list of corporate leaders. Twitter’s top advertising and content partnership leaders have either resigned or been fired. Multiple “critical” teams were completely gutted by the layoffs and resignations.

Twitter Lay-Offs

The layoffs have reduced customer service but had little effect on content moderation. Musk has said Twitter's workforce was too large and placed too much emphasis on content moderation. The layoffs have been widely criticised, with some calling them a violation of labour laws.


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