Why is France troubled with riots?

France has experienced various instances of protests and social unrest in recent years, some of which have escalated into riots. It's important to note that the causes and motivations behind these events can be complex and multifaceted, often involving a combination of social, economic, and political factors.

Following the fatal shooting by police of Nahel Merzouk, a 17-year-old Frenchman of Algerian heritage, in the Nanterre neighbourhood of Paris, protests across France got underway on Tuesday.Merzouk was pulled over by two police officers and attempted to drive away when he was shot in the chest at close range. He had been pursued after driving at high speed in a bus lane and stopping only when blocked by stationary traffic.

Police initially said one of the officers opened fire because Merzouk's driving made him fear for his own safety and that of others. However, that account was later questioned after video of the shooting surfaced online. Following the event, the officer has been charged with willful homicide, and the French police have been accused of racism.Paris protests evolved into rioting on Tuesday night and spread across the country throughout the week. More than 200 police officers have been injured, and at least 2,100 people have been arrested so far.

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