White House: Biden and PM set to announce major arms drone agreements

US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi blazoned a series of defense and marketable deals designed to ameliorate military and profitable ties between their nations during Thursday’s state visit to the White House.

General ElectricCo. plans to concertedly manufacture F414 machines with state- possessed Indian establishment Hindustan AeronauticsLtd. for the Tejas light- combat aircraft, as part of a problem to ameliorate defense- and technology- sharing as China becomes further assertive in the Indo- Pacific.

Biden and Modi also blazoned new defense collaborations, including progress on an order for MQ- 9B SeaGuardian drones made by General Atomics, and an agreement that will allow American Navy vessels to take over major repairs at Indian shipyards.

"We are focusing more on providing better security to our semiconductors, semiconductor supply chains, advancing open ram telecommunication networks and also trying to tighten our defence partnership," Biden told journalists following the addresses.

Micron Technology Inc. is investing further than$ 800 million toward a$2.75 billion semiconductor assembly and testing installation in India, while Applied Accountments Inc will advertise a new semiconductor center for commercialization and invention. Chip manufacturer Lam Research is publicizing a training program in India for over 60,000 masterminds.

“We've transitioned moment to a relationship involving transfer of technology, co-development and co-production" Modi said, heralding the GE deal as a 'corner agreement.'

Indian companies also plan further than$ 2 billion in systems in the United States, including a solar manufacturing installation in Colorado, a sword factory in Ohio, and an optical fiber installation in South Carolina. The adverts also include closer cooperation between the countries’ space programs as well as sweats by the US to make visas easier for Indian workers to earn.

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