What Happens at Foxconn China?

Foxconn is a Taiwanese electronics manufacturing company that operates factories in China. At these factories, workers assemble electronics products such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other consumer electronics.

Foxconn China

Workers at Foxconn China work long hours in difficult conditions, with some reports indicating that they work up to 12 hours a day, six days a week. Some of these reported issues include:

  • Poor working conditions: Foxconn has been criticised for its poor working conditions, including long working hours, high pressure, and limited breaks. In 2010, there were several reports of worker suicides at Foxconn's factories, which led to increased scrutiny of the company's labor practices.
  • Low wages: Foxconn has been accused of paying its workers low wages, particularly in comparison to other electronics manufacturers. Some workers have claimed that they are not paid enough to cover their basic needs.

Foxconn China

  • Lack of safety measures: There have been several reports of workers being injured on the job at Foxconn due to inadequate safety measures. In 2011, a fire at one of the company's factories killed four workers and injured 18 others.
  • Disregard for labour laws: Foxconn has been accused of ignoring local labour laws and regulations, including minimum wage laws and overtime regulations. In 2013, the company was found to be in violation of labour laws in China, and was ordered to pay millions of dollars in back wages to its workers.

Foxconn China

  • Unfair treatment of temporary workers: Foxconn has been criticised for its treatment of temporary workers, who often receive lower wages and fewer benefits compared to permanent workers. Some workers have claimed that they are not given proper training or protective equipment, leading to accidents and injuries on the job.

Foxconn China

Foxconn has faced criticism for its labour practices, and the company has implemented a number of measures in an effort to improve working conditions at its factories. In 2017, a report by the Fair Labor Association found that Foxconn violated Chinese labour laws by requiring its workers to work more than 60 hours per week, and that it did not pay its workers for overtime. 

Foxconn China

After all this time there are still concerns about the treatment of workers at Foxconn China and other factories in the country.


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