Washington D.C. includes Sikhism in social studies standards

Students in the District of Columbia will now have the opportunity to learn about Sikhism after the local education board voted to include the faith in the school curriculum for the first time ever. Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, local schools will adopt the new standards. The Sikh Coalition, which worked with local education authorities, has played a role in this initiative. They have announced that the District of Columbia is now one of 17 states in the country that will incorporate precise and comprehensive information about Sikhs into their social studies standards for public schools.

The US state of Virginia voted in April to add Sikhism, also known as Sikhi, to the school curriculum as part of new social studies standards. This marks the first time ever that Sikhism will be included in the educational framework. Sikhism holds a prominent position as one of the largest religions globally. The Sikh community has made substantial contributions to American society for more than 125 years, excelling in various fields such as civil rights, politics, agriculture, engineering, and medicine.

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