Users Switching to Mastodon app

Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter, he has made many sudden and harsh changes in the internal as well as external ranks of twitter. As a result of which thousands of employees have already abandoned their posts, and now even the users are leaving Twitter behind.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk had announced that under new management there would be many dynamic changes in the system by which the social media platform functions.

However not everyone was okay with the changes made by the eccentric billionaire, as in the following days the company witnessed mass resignations and hashtags like #RIP Twitter, #Goodbye Twitter and #TwitterDown trend on the social media platform.

As Twitters user base leaved the platform behind, many have already started to search for alternatives. Of the various possible alternatives available on the internet, many former twitter users have taken a shine to the micro blogging app Mastodon.

Founded in 2014, the Mastodon app gained nearly 180,000 new users on Tuesday. Many data scientists have speculated that as more and more people abandon twitter, many will find solace in the micro-blogging platform.

Mastodon is different than Twitter in many ways, as Twitter had a centralised server, while mastodon is an open source, decentralised user platform. The users themselves are in charge of their servers and social media handles. In a sense it can be said that no single individual, may that be a company liege or individual user has control of the entire system.

The company’s founder Eugen Rochko had said in a statement last week, that the mastodon app, unlike twitter, does not coerce its users into following specific people, nor does it emphasize a posts acceptability or vitality, what matters in the platform is that the users interact with each other in genuine conversations, and gain the insight that they require.

Despite having differences, the app also has many resemblances to twitter. Mastodon has a timeline, that is made up of toots (similar to tweets), with a character count of 500. These toots can be “boosted” and shared onto the user’s timeline, for the followers to see, which can essentially be compared to the retweeting feature of twitter.

The user’s timeline is set chronologically, unlike twitter that uses specific algorithm to boost what the platform thinks you might be interested in. Due to being decentralised, users get to access a variety of servers, based on their interests.

Each server essentially hosts a community of like-minded users, who can engage in conversations. Users are free to follow and interact with users on any servers, and may even change servers or create their own servers if the need arises.

As more and more people abandon twitter, it can be expected that many of the users will join mastodon servers, as the app’s layout enables users to have more control on their timelines, as opposed to the centralised approach that Twitter had exercised on its users for so many years.


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