UN highlights 'Green Skills' for youth on International Youth Day 2023

International Youth Day is marked annually on August 12 in order to promote awareness of the challenges and issues that young people globally face as well as their unrealized potential.International Youth Day 2023 will be significant because it will acknowledge the essential role that young people play in building the global community. Their dynamism, adaptability, and unrelenting dedication have the power to spark positive changes in communities both locally and globally.

Photo International youth day


In 2000, August 12 was designated as the first annual International Youth Day. Since then, it has served as a place of education for the community. On December 17, 1999, the UN General Assembly agreed with a proposal from the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth to make the day In 1965, the General Assembly of the United Nations began to work hard to teach and inspire children. They agreed with the statement that called for peace, understanding, and unity between people of different backgrounds.

Theme of the year

Every year, the theme of International Youth Day highlights new methods to support and inspire young people. Green Skills for Youth For a Sustainable World is the theme for 2023.On the website of the United Nations, "green skills" are defined as the knowledge, skills, abilities, values, and attitudes that people need to live in, build, and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society.

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According to the website, these include "technical knowledge and skills that allow for the successful implementation of green technologies and processes in jobs, as well as transversal skills that draw on a variety of knowledge, values, and attitudes to help make environmentally sustainable decisions at work and in life." International Youth Day 2023 will focus on how young people can learn and use green skills to make decisions that are good for the environment both at work and in their daily lives.

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