UK Government passes Rwanda bill ,faces backlash from Supreme Court

Before the vote, Britain's parliament will discuss Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's bill, which would let the government send to Rwanda refugee seekers who come to Britain illegally. Overriding legal concerns, the new law aims to keep Sunak's promise to stop people from coming across the Channel in small boats. There are, however, big disagreements about the bill within Sunak's Conservative Party. England has had a big problem with immigration, especially since the Brexit vote in 2016. Regaining control of the country's borders and stopping the free movement of people was a big part of the choice to leave the European Union. Politicians are still very worried about immigrants, according to polls.

UK Government passes Rwanda bill ,faces backlash from Supreme Court

About the Plan for Rwanda:

It will be more difficult for people smugglers to make money if former prime minister Boris Johnson's plan for Rwanda is implemented. The idea would also prevent people from entering Britain illegally. The idea calls for sending anyone who entered Britain without authorization after January 1, 2022, 4,000 miles distant, back to Rwanda. The UK Supreme Court ruled that the policy was unlawful as a result, citing the possibility of mistreatment of refugees in their own countries or abroad. Since assuming office in 2022, Premier Sunak has made stopping illegal immigration his major priority. The government is currently searching for alternative solutions to the problem because processing asylum petitions and providing temporary lodging for refugees while they await verdicts are quite costly. His measure on Rwanda seeks to alleviate the financial burden on the nation while resolving the legal difficulties raised by the Supreme Court.

Rwanda's Bill:

UK Government passes Rwanda bill ,faces backlash from Supreme Court

Sunak's suggested bill includes a new treaty with Rwanda that says people can only be sent back to Britain and not to other countries. There are, however, legal experts who say the bill might not fully overturn the European Court of Human Rights' decisions or follow international law. It's not clear if the bill will pass parliament because Sunak's right-wing Conservative critics want tougher punishments.

Compared to other countries:

Fears about immigration have led several European countries, such as Germany and Denmark, to tighten controls at their borders. Additionally, the European Union has come to a new deal on how to share the duties and costs of hosting migrants. After Rwanda broke a similar agreement with Israel, Israel ended the deal.

Upcoming voting in Britain's parliament on Prime Minister Sunak's Rwanda bill shows how controversial immigration policy is still. In addition to fixing legal issues, the plan keeps Sunak's promise to stop illegal immigration. Although disagreements within the Conservative Party and possible challenges from the European Court of Human Rights and UK courts could make it harder to put into action, the vote results and the bill's passing will have big effects on Britain's immigration policy and its ties with Rwanda.

(With inputs from agencies)

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