Tragic accident claims the lives of 6 individuals in Canadian plane crash

Six people died in the Northwest Territories of Canada when a small plane carrying labourers to a distant mine crashed close to Fort Smith. Soon after takeoff, the Northwestern Air Lease aircraft headed for the Diavik diamond mine lost communication with air traffic control. At this point, the cause of the crash is unknown.

Severe Damage and an Inquiry

Tragic accident claims the lives of 6 individuals in Canadian plane crash

Rio Tinto, the mining company that owns the Diavik diamond mine, was furious about what transpired. CEO Jakob Stausholm stated that the company is collaborating closely with law enforcement to determine the cause of the crash and is prepared to assist in any manner that may be required. The Transportation Safety Board of Canada has sent a team of investigators to the crash scene to conduct a thorough investigation.

Rescue and Condolences

Tragic accident claims the lives of 6 individuals in Canadian plane crash

Three squadrons of the Royal Canadian Air Force were dispatched to the scene of the crash to look for survivors. RJ Simpson, the prime minister of the Northwest Territories, expressed regret for the incident and offered his condolences to the victims' families. Garth Eggenberger, the Chief Coroner of the Northwest Territories, confirmed that there were deaths. He said that until the families were informed, no more details would be released.

Aircraft mishaps in recent times

Not too long ago, a helicopter crash in nearby British Columbia claimed three lives and injured four more. These mishaps all highlight the significance of aviation safety and the need for in-depth inquiries to avert future mishaps.

(Image Source : Multiple Agencies )

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