Tortoise Jonathan celebrates his 190th birthday

Jonathan is the world's oldest tortoise and recently celebrated his 190th birthday. It is not just the world's oldest tortoise but also the world's oldest living land animal.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Jonathan is the oldest living land animal in the world.

Jonathan was born nearly two centuries ago, celebrated his 190th birthday.

Jonathan was born nearly two centuries ago, that is, in the early 1800s. It is said that Jonathan was born in the year 1832, but his exact birth year is unknown.

Jonathan is much older than he is believed to be. Matt Joshua, tourism head, told CNN.

He has lived on Steve Helena, a remote island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, for 140 years, since 1882.

It is believed that when Jonathan was brought to this island, he was fully mature, that is, around 50 years old.

Jonathan was brought from the Seychelles to St. Helena Island in 1882 as a gift to the governor at that time.

Jonathan has seen the world change with time since World War II—more than 35 governors' changes within the island—and he has seen how radio was introduced, the telephone, TV, phones, computer, internet, cars, and many more with time.

He can be considered the island's local celebrity. Jonathan loves to spend his time with the other three giant tortoises, whose names are David, Emma, and Fred.

The veterinarian who looks after Johnson, Joe Hollins, spoke to Guinness World Records people, saying that Jonathan loves the sun, and on sunny days he loves to take a sun bath, extending out his long neck and stretching his legs fully out of his shell to absorb the heat he wants. But on very sunny days, he stays in the shade.

In the same way, on the colder days, Jonathan likes to hide himself in leaf mold and grass clippings and remain inside for the whole day.

Jonathan is fed by hand for extra calories, vitamins, and minerals.

The giant tortoise is blind and cannot smell, but he has excellent hearing because he enjoys the company of humans and, in particular, recognises the voices of his veterinarian. Once a week, he is fed by hand for extra calories, vitamins, and minerals.

Jonathan's 190th birthday was celebrated for three days this year, beginning on December 2nd, where he was served a feast of his favourite vegetables.

On December 2, various posters with pictures and messages commemorating Jonathan's life that had been sent by visitors over the years were displayed. Which was displayed at the plantation house where Jonathan lives.

Even the animated videos and songs about Jonathan were premiered on the last day of this celebration.

Jonathan had his special cake, which was made up of his favourite healthy fruits and vegetables. And a special stamp was issued for sale to make the event more memorable