Top 10 Cargo ships that have sank


1.SS Edmund Fitzgerald:

The ship sank in Lake Superior on November 10, 1975, during a severe storm. All 29 crew members died in the incident.

2.SS El Faro:

The ship sank on October 1, 2015, during Hurricane Joaquin near the Bahamas. All 33 crew members died in the incident.

3. MV Dona Paz:

It sank on December 20, 1987, after colliding with the oil tanker MT Vector off the coast of the Philippines. It is estimated that around 4,386 people died

4. MV Wilhelm Gustloff:

The ship sank on 30-1-1945 after being hit by three torpedoes from a Soviet submarine in the Baltic Sea. It is estimated that around 9,000 people died in the incident.

5. SS Marine Electric:

The SS Marine Electric sank on February 12, 1983, off the coast of Virginia after encountering a severe storm. Only three of the 34 crew members survived.

6. MV Tricolor:

It sank on December 14, 2002, after colliding with a container ship. The incident resulted in the largest maritime salvage operation in history.

7. MV Derbyshire:

The ship sank on September 9, 1980, during Typhoon Orchid in the South China Sea. All 44 crew members died in the incident.

8. MV Joola:

The MV Joola sank on September 26, 2002, off the coast of Senegal after encountering a severe storm. It is estimated that around 1,863 people died in the incident.

9. SS Flying Enterprise:

IT sank on January 10, 1952. The captain, Kurt Carlsen, famously refused to abandon the ship and was eventually rescued after several days at sea.

10. MV Sewol:

It sank on April 16, 2014, off the coast of South Korea. It is estimated that around 304 people died in the incident, many of who were high school students on a field trip

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