The 2024 Presidential Debate Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump

The highly anticipated 2024 presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was a high-stakes showdown that captured the nation's attention. Both candidates entered the debate with low approval ratings, seeking to sway undecided voters and solidify their bases.

Biden, at 81, aimed to reassure voters of his ability to lead, while the 78-year-old Trump sought to move past his legal troubles and convince viewers of his fitness for office.

General Demeanour and Expectations from the Candidates and the Overall Debate

The general demeanour of the debate was intense and confrontational, with both candidates eager to dominate the discussion. Expectations were high, as viewers hoped for clear plans and visions for the future from both Biden and Trump. Biden focused on demonstrating his continued capacity for leadership, despite concerns about his age. Trump, on the other hand, aimed to project confidence and competence, hoping to overshadow his ongoing legal issues.

photo : viewing party for US Presidential debate 2024

Key Topics Discussed

• Economy

Both candidates outlined their strategies for economic recovery post-pandemic. Biden emphasised job creation and infrastructure investment, while Trump focused on deregulation and tax cuts.

• Healthcare

Healthcare policy sparked heated exchanges. Biden defended the Affordable Care Act and proposed expanding it, while Trump criticised it and promised a new, yet unspecified, plan.

• Foreign Policy

The candidates debated the United States' stance on international relations, with particular focus on China, Russia, and NATO. Biden highlighted the importance of alliances, while Trump advocated for a more isolationist approach.

• January 6th, Capitol Riot

This topic elicited strong reactions, with Biden condemning the riot and Trump's perceived role in inciting it, while Trump denied any wrongdoing and accused Biden of weaponizing the incident for political gain.

photo: Confused trump

Historical Context

Comparing this debate to past high-stakes presidential debates, it’s clear that the Biden-Trump rivalry has reached new heights. Their previous debates in 2020 were characterised by similar acrimony and interruptions, setting the stage for this latest confrontation. Historically, such fiery debates can sway undecided voters and energise the candidates’ bases, much like the famous Nixon-Kennedy debates in 1960 or the Reagan-Mondale face-off in 1984.

Moderators' Influence

Moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash of CNN played a crucial role in maintaining the debate's structure. They enforced the rules, such as muted microphones and prohibitions on props and pre-written notes, to ensure a more orderly discussion. Despite their efforts, both candidates frequently talked over each other and sometimes ignored the moderators' attempts to steer the conversation, reflecting the high tension and stakes of the debate.
photo: Moderators for Presidential Debate

Memorable Moments

- Biden's Momentary Freeze

During a discussion on healthcare, Biden had a brief moment of hesitation, which sparked concerns about his age and cognitive abilities.

- No Handshake

The traditional pre-debate handshake was notably absent, symbolising the deep animosity between the two candidates.

- Golf Skills: Tangent

In an unexpected detour, the candidates discussed their golf skills, adding a lighter, albeit bizarre, moment to the otherwise serious debate.

photo: Confused and frozen Joe Biden

Social Media Reactions: A Meme-Filled Night

Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram lit up with reactions to the debate. Memes and viral moments quickly spread, influencing public perception. A particularly popular meme was a split-screen image of Biden's freeze next to the "This is fine" dog from the famous internet comic, capturing the sense of urgency and unease. 

photo: memes from Biden vs trump debate

Public Opinion and Immediate Polls

Initial polls suggest a mixed reaction from viewers. According to a CNN instant poll, 33% of viewers believed Biden performed better, while 67% favoured Trump. Political analysts noted that while neither candidate landed a knockout blow, the debate likely reinforced existing biases rather than swaying a significant number of undecided voters.

photo: immediate polls after debate

Fact-Checking the Claims


Trump’s claim that the economy was “the best it’s ever been” during his presidency was rated as misleading. While there were periods of strong economic growth, there were also significant challenges, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Biden's assertion that "everyone will get affordable healthcare under my plan" was deemed overly optimistic, as achieving universal coverage would require significant legislative hurdles.

Mark Thiessen, a columnist for The Washington Post states: 

"Trump managed to energise his base with his usual bravado, but failed to appeal to moderates. Biden was steady but uninspiring."


The 2024 presidential debate was a significant event, offering a glimpse into the candidates' platforms and their ability to lead the nation through challenging times. As the election approaches, the debate's influence on public opinion and voter decisions will be critical in determining the next leader of the United States. Voters will continue to dissect the performances, fact-check the claims, and share their opinions on social media, where the debate will undoubtedly live on in meme form for weeks to come.

Inputs from multiple agencies
Media sources: multiple 

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