The Love Break: Chinese students to get a 7-day break to focus on love and romance

In April, nine institutions in China will provide students a week off to "fall in love".The government's political advisors have suggested a number of alternatives in response to China's approaching demographic disaster brought on by a dropping birthrate. In order to help with the national issue, several colleges have also developed a novel strategy.

During a weeklong break in April, nine vocational schools in China encouraged their students to go out and find love in an effort to reverse China's decreasing birth rate. The Fan Mei Education Group-run schools informed their students on March 23 that they would be closed from April 1 to April 7 and encouraged them to enjoy themselves during that time.

In enjoying the seven-day break, students are encouraged to "learn to appreciate nature, love life, and enjoy love."

This will not only broaden students' horizons and help them develop their emotions, but it will also improve and enrich the subject matter being taught in the classroom, vice dean Liang Guohui of Mianyang Flying Vocational College said.

Making vacation videos, journaling, and tracking personal growth are all part of the students' assigned assignment.Schools have been giving students and teachers a week off in the spring since 2019, but this year's theme, "Enjoy the Blooms, Go Fall in Love," puts a particular emphasis on romance.

The announcement coincides with China's efforts to increase its rapidly declining marriage and birth rates.Local companies, provinces, and towns have been experimenting with ways to promote marriage. For example, they may run advertisements inviting city women to date older rural men or grant 30 days of "marriage leave."

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