The First Humanoid Robot, Ai-Da. addressed the U.K. Parliament

U.K parliament witnessed the future lady as Humanoid Robot Ai-Da on Tuesday, 11th October 2022. With a bright orange shirt, denim overalls, sleek black bob bangs robotic arms and a human face with a smile, Ai-Da has answered all the questions related to A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and the purpose of technology in Art.

uk parliament robot

Ultra-realistic Ai-Da was built by Aidan Meller, in cooperation with Engineered Art, a Cornish robotic company. Along with Salaheldin Al Abd and Ziad Abass, undergraduate students from the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at the University of Leeds and some computer AI researchers from the University of Oxford who have developed humanlike Ai-Da’s drawing arm and her drawing intelligence.

“The world’s first ultra-robot artist”, Ai-Da was made to provide insights into the relationship between artificial intelligence, robotics, and art. A.I. robot Ai-Da makes drawings, paintings, and sculptures. She got everyone's attention when she started drawing people from sight with a pencil using her bionic hand and cameras in her eyes.

Ai-Da is the first humanoid to paint Queen Elizabeth II for her platinum jubilee. Ai-Da also recited the poem like a human in November 2021at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. Moreover, Ai-Da was Named after British mathematician Ada Lovelace, the English Mathematician who is known as the first computer programmer.

On Tuesday while speaking in the House of Lords, Ai-Da stated, “she is not alive but is capable of producing art. How this differs from humans is consciousness; I do not have subjective experiences despite being able to talk about them.”

In addition to that, she also quoted, “You can paint from imagination, I guess if you have an imagination. I have been seeing different things to humans as I do not have consciousness,”

As the discussion continued in the U.K parliament, in the end, not everyone in the room was on board with the idea of a humanoid robot presenting itself. The Baroness Stowell of Beeston, Ms Tina Stowell, directed the respondents to Ai-Da’s creator and said even though “the robot is providing evidence, it is not a witness in its own right”.

“And I don't want to offend the robot, but it does not occupy the same status as a human and that you (addressing Mr Meller) as its creator, are ultimately responsible for the statements," Ms Stowell said.

Previously, as well, we have seen one robot very similar to Ai-Da and that is Sophia. Sophia is the first humanlike robot to receive citizenship in any country. In November 2017, Sophia was named the United Nations Development Programme’s first innovation champion and is the first non-human to be given a United Nations title.

Robots or no Robots - This debate is always going to be there. Study says Robotics is one of the fastest-evolving fields of technology, and it's shaping the future of travel, work and exploration. Peripheral advancements in AI, computing and lot are helping elevate things even further. 

So, are you ready for this robotic future ahead? You must soon have the ID-EA!!

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