Thailand Tourist Escapes Death as Cord Snaps During Bungee Jumping

A man performing bungee jumping was featured in a recent viral video. The man's bungee jump was terminated because the rope snapped, sending him falling into a nearby lake.

Mike, a 39-year-old traveler from Hong Kong, recently went to Changthai Thappraya Adventure Park in Pattaya, Thailand. The man accepted his friends' challenge and chose to go bungee jumping. While the man was just five meters from the water, the safety line broke while he was in the air, causing him to fall into the lake.

He claimed that after making contact with the lake, he briefly lost consciousness but was able to recover and swim out of the water with the assistance of the attraction staff. He was then taken to the hospital.

“The pain was so intense that I felt dizzy. Since my arms were stretched out, my armpit area was affected the most." He then added that he came down with a lung infection and was hospitalized for three days after returning to Hong Kong.

Bungee jumping operator Natthaphon Yokcharoen apologized for the incident by saying “Thappraya Safari has been open for seven years and nothing like this has ever happened. All our equipment is licensed. I would like to apologize for this incident”.

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