Terrorist attack killed 64 on passenger boat on Niger River

According to the Mali government, 64 people were killed in jihadist-claimed Thursday attacks on a passenger boat and an army base on the Niger River in northern Mali.

A government statement stated that 49 civilians and 15 soldiers were killed in the two separate attacks directed at the Timbuktu boat on the Niger River and an army station at Bamba in the northern Gao region. How many people died in each attack was not revealed.

A group associated with Al-Qaeda "claimed" responsibility for the attacks.


What is known about assaults?

Earlier, the Malian army claimed on social media that "armed terrorist groups" attacked the ship in the vicinity of Timbuktu. According to a separate statement from the operator Comanav, the ship was the target of "at least three rockets" that were aimed at its engines.

Armed groups have been encircling Timbuktu since the Malian army sent reinforcements to the area in late August. The rebels are obstructing the delivery of necessities to the desert city.

In response to the government's request, the UN is preparing to withdraw from Mali with its 17,000-person peacekeeping mission MINUSMA. By the year's end, the pullout is expected to be completed.

 (AP, AFP, Reuters)

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