Tensions Rising as China and Taiwan engage in military power show off

China has been stepping up its military exercises close to Taiwan in recent months, timed with the island's 2024 presidential election. The region's tensions have increased as a result of this spike in activity, drawing attention from around the world and igniting worries about the possibility of violence and its effects on global security.

Escalation of Military Drills

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has been holding a number of significant military drills close to Taiwan since late 2023. Live-fire exercises, naval patrols, and aviation sorties—many of which breach Taiwan's Aviation Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ)—have all been a part of these drills. With the deployment of Type 055 destroyers and J-20 stealth jets, the Chinese military has demonstrated its cutting-edge capabilities and its increasing military might.
photo; air defense identification zone (ADIZ) Taiwan and china

Frequent Air Incursions

China's military actions have included repeated air incursions into Taiwan's Area of Special Economic Zones (ADEZ). Taiwan's Ministry of National Defence reports that in early 2024, the number of Chinese aircraft frequently entering Taiwan's airspace—including fighter jets and bombers—has increased to an unprecedented degree. The resources Taiwan has for air defence have been put under pressure, and Beijing's claims to the island have been made abundantly clear by these measures.

photo: china's J-20 stealth jets
J-20 stealth jets

Maritime Presence and Naval Exercises

The PLA Navy has stepped up its presence in the waters surrounding Taiwan in addition to its aerial provocations. Chinese vessels have been participating in cooperative naval drills in the South and East China Seas, frequently in close proximity to Taiwan's territorial waters. Amphibious landing drills have been a part of these exercises, which have shown China's capacity to project power in the area while modelling possible invasion scenarios.

Photo: Type 055 destroyers the Chinese military
Type 055 destroyers

Cyber and information warfare

In addition to traditional military actions, China has stepped up its information warfare and cyberattacks on Taiwan. Cyberattacks targeting media outlets, vital infrastructure, and government organisations have increased, according to Taiwanese officials and reports. It is thought that these assaults are a component of a larger plot to erode public trust and sabotage the democratic process. Furthermore, in an effort to sway public opinion in Taiwan, China has intensified its disinformation tactics, disseminating false narratives via social media and state-run channels.
photo:cyberattack frequency in taiwan
Trellix telemetry detections in Taiwan in January 2024

Diplomatic tensions and international reactions

The United States and its allies have expressed worry over China's assertive approach, and the international community has been closely following the issue. Reiterating its commitment to Taiwan's security, the United States is stepping up military cooperation with Taipei and undertaking freedom of navigation operations in the Taiwan Strait. Japan and Australia have also voiced support for Taiwan, emphasising the need for regional stability and adherence to international law.
photo:Joint military exercises

US and Taiwan navies conducted joint drills

Implications for Taiwan’s Presidential Election

China's military actions appeared to be timed to put psychological pressure on Taiwan's voters before the country's presidential election. Beijing appears to be attempting to sway the election results in favour of candidates who are more receptive to cross-strait ties, as seen by the rising tensions. On the other hand, the opposite can potentially result from such measures, inspiring voters in Taiwan to back politicians who call for increased autonomy and opposition to Chinese pressure.

For more on this,read: Taiwan's New President - What It Means For Global Politics?

Lai Ching-te now the new president of Taiwan, a former premier, won the election with a significant majority, marking a shift in Taiwan's political landscape. His victory is seen as a response to the previous administration's handling of various issues, including economic challenges and relations with China. Lai Ching-te's platform focused on promoting social welfare, economic growth, and maintaining Taiwan's sovereignty. President Lai Ching-te maintained Taiwan's sovereignty in his inauguration speech, urging both sides of the Taiwan Strait to pursue peace, despite Beijing's claim of Taiwan as a Chinese province. His election signifies a desire for change and a new direction in Taiwanese politics.

Taiwan scrambled jets and put missile, naval, and land units on alert on May 23 over Chinese military exercises being conducted around the self-governing island democracy. China's military said its two-day exercises around Taiwan were punishment for separatist forces seeking independence. The People's Liberation Army sends navy ships and warplanes into the Taiwan Strait and other areas around the island almost daily to wear down Taiwan's defences and seek to intimidate its people, who firmly back their de facto independence. The island's Defence Ministry said China's "irrational provocation has jeopardised regional peace and stability." Taiwan will seek no conflicts but will not shy away from one.
photo: Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te delivers a speech during his inauguration ceremony in Taipei
Lai Ching-te takes office as Taiwan's new president in swearing-in ceremony


Taiwan is at the epicentre of a geopolitical conflict with enormous ramifications as the island nation gets closer to its 2024 presidential election. The risk and brittleness of cross-strait relations are highlighted by China's increasing military actions. The results of the election will not only impact Taiwan's future but also the Indo-Pacific region's larger strategic environment. The world community will be keeping a careful eye on things in the hopes that the escalating tensions can be resolved peacefully.

Inputts from multiple agencies.

Media Sources: multiple 

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