Sweden's new Climate Minister is all of 26 years old

Sweden’s new government announced a 26-year-old as climate minister! Romina Pourmokhtari is probably the youngest person to lead a ministry in the home nation of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg. This nomination was among the cabinet members presented by recently elected prime minister Ulf Kristersson who leads a right-wing coalition that the far-right Sweden Democrats shore up.

Romina Pourmokhtari, 26, was earlier the head of the Liberal Party's youth wing and was unaware that she would get climate as her political profile. Romina has in the past been a bold critic of Kristersson's move to closer align his party with the Sweden Democrats.

"Ulf Kristersson without SD - Absolutely. Ulf Kristersson with SD - No thanks," she wrote in a post on Twitter in 2020. She was born into a family of Iranian origin in the suburbs of Stockholm. The young woman gets the climate and environment portfolio and beat the previous record of 27 years old for the youngest minister.

Sweden is also home to teen climate activist Thunberg, who inaugurated a massive global movement with millions of youth that has provoked a torrent of discussion on the dangers of climate change, worldwide.

Romina Pourmokhtari

Sweden's union government was announced on Friday after Kristersson composed a deal with his partners and the nationalist and anti-immigration Sweden Democrats which pledged to support the government in exchange for policy commitments, especially on immigration and crime. The considerable influence of the Sweden Democrats over the four-party deal has sparked tensions within the Liberals, whose help is also essential for Kristersson's survival.

While presenting the cabinet  Kristersson also declared the creation of a new minister post for “civil defence” as the country is facing difficulties with Russia. The Sweden Democrats were the huge victors in the election, and arose as the second-largest party, trailing only the Social Democrats, who have affected Swedish politics since the 1930s. 

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