Stand- up Comedy was a thing back in the 15th Century as well, revealing rare Manuscripts

According to a Cambridge University scholar, a manuscript from the 15th century provides the "rarest glimpse" into ancient live humor performances.

As per Dr. James Wade, the outrageous texts drove crowds to indulge in alcohol while making fun of rulers, priests, and peasants.

Additionally, they demonstrated the function of minstrels, who were regarded as "important figures" in the world of medieval times.

The manuscripts were duplicated by priest Richard Heege, an educator to the Derbyshire gentry Sherbrooke family, to whom the books originally belonged. According to Dr. Wade, Heege replicated the writing of an unidentified minstrel who appeared in the vicinity of the Derbyshire–Nottinghamshire boundary in the early 1480s.

To amuse people with songs and tales, minstrels traveled between fairs, taverns, and baronial halls throughout the Middle Ages.

"Heege gives us the rarest glimpse of a medieval world rich in oral storytelling and popular entertainments," said Dr Wade, of Cambridge's English faculty and Girton College.

He added, "These texts remind us that festive entertainment was flourishing at a time of growing social mobility.”

"People back then partied a lot more than we do today, so minstrels had plenty of opportunities to perform.”

"They were really important figures in people's lives right across the social hierarchy. These texts give us a snapshot of medieval life being lived well."

Wednesday sees the publication of Dr. Wade's research in The Review of English Studies.

From the total of 9 miscellaneous booklets in the Heege Manuscript, it concentrates on the first.

The majority of medieval poetry, music, and tales have been lost, according to Dr. Wade.

"Manuscripts often preserve relics of high art. This is something else. It's mad and offensive, but just as valuable.”

"Stand-up comedy has always involved taking risks and these texts are risky, they poke fun at everyone, high and low."


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