Six year old boy open fired: Shoots teacher in the US school

The opened fire in an elementary classroom in the eastern US state of Virginia on Friday by a  six year old boy has seriously injured a teacher. 

The victim is in her 30s and the injuries were believed to be life threatening and no students were hurt in this incident.

The boy is in police custody and the police chief adds that this is not an accident shooting.

"The individual is a six-year-old student. He is right now in police custody," local police chief Steve Drew told a news conference, adding that "this was not an accidental shooting."

"I'm in shock, and I'm disheartened," said the city's superintendent of schools, George Parker.

With this, school shootings plague the United States with recent tragedies including the killing last May of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, by an 18-year-old gunman.


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