Sierra Leone in turmoil: 20 dead,2000 inmates escape in Renegade soldier's attack

In a concerning incident on Sunday, there was an attack on a military barracks, a prison, and various other locations in Sierra Leone, which unfortunately led to the loss of twenty lives and the escape of nearly 2,000 inmates. The government has referred to the assailants as "renegade soldiers" and their gunfire caused panic in the capital, Freetown. President Julius Maada Bio has assured that most of the attack leaders have been arrested and efforts to apprehend others are ongoing. A thorough investigation has been initiated.

According to Army spokesman Colonel Issa Bangura, unfortunate losses were suffered, including 13 soldiers, three assailants, a police officer, a civilian, and a private security worker. Additionally, eight individuals were injured, and three have been brought into custody.

security on streets

The Pademba Road Central prison experienced a tumultuous situation when 1,890 inmates escaped after the facility was breached by assailants. Although we are grateful that 23 individuals have returned, it is unfortunate that the raid resulted in damaged or removed cell doors. Currently, efforts are being made to restore order through a clean-up operation.

The situation led to Sierra Leone deciding to implement a nightly curfew, in order to restore a sense of normalcy to Freetown. As a result, shops and businesses were able to resume operations, indicating cautious tranquillity following the government's determined measures.

President Bio

President Bio highlighted the nation's resilience, graciously sharing a photo on social media showcasing his dedication to work. He firmly reasserted the unwavering commitment to peace and security, even in the face of challenges.

Sierra Leone's recent tensions have arisen from the disputed re-election of President Bio in June, giving rise to concerns both within the country and abroad. Being in a phase of recovery from a civil war, the nation experienced unrest during anti-government protests in August 2022, which unfortunately led to casualties.

Following the recent incident, authorities request that escaped inmates consider returning, as they are offering rewards for any information. As the nation confronts these challenges, there is a strong emphasis on the importance of unity and stability.

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