Russia supplies Viagra to soldiers in using Rape as Military Strategy against Ukraine

The ongoing war that is currently raging between Ukraine and Russia physically but continues to mentally disintegrate humankind around the world has plunged to a new, horrifying low. After 8 months of continuous strife and conflict between the two countries, a shocking fact has come to the fore.  UN Envoy Pramila Patten who is responsible for research and disclosure of sexual violence in wars presented the ugly truth to the world - When women are held for days and raped, when you start to rape little boys and men, when you see a series of genital mutilations, when you hear women testify about Russian soldiers equipped with Viagra, it's clearly a military strategy.”

The military tactic aims to dehumanize opponents by crushing their spirits physically and mentally for generations to come. The administration of such medications to facilitate sexual performance is proof of the expansion tactics being utilized by Russia. Ukraine screams in terror as the world continues to turn a blind eye to the ongoing war for over 8 months. The progression of the war has been bringing to life the worst nightmares one could ever imagine and the ruthlessness and tyranny of Russia fail to cease as it wreaks havoc across Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine War (

Russia-Ukraine War (

The age of the victims of sexual violence ranges from four to 82 years old, from kids to men and women, and no one is spared. There have been more than 100 cases of rape and sexual violence since the Russian invasion began. Sadly, “reported cases are only the tip of the iceberg.” as Pramila Patten stated. There is much to uncover from the debris of the war. 

Rape has come to the fore as a weapon of war, much more bone-chilling than the destruction of property and structure. The whole existence of mankind crumbles as these crimes continue in the wake of the war. According to the reports by the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry into Ukraine, the Russian forces are committing brutal war crimes against non-combatant civilians including confinement, rape, torture, and other unlawful activities. As if the matter wasn’t worse enough, there have been testimonies of families being forced to watch these sexual crimes.

With Russian President Vladimir Putin communicating that the Kremlin army shall use all means at its disposal to protect Russia, this seems to be what ensues. 

“Oh, and I thought when I was there, God, what am I doing here?

I’m a-tryin’ to kill somebody or die tryin’

But the thing that scared me most was when my enemy came close

And I saw that his face looked just like mine”

-John Brown by Bob Dylan.

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