Robot crushes man to death, confuses him for a box of vegetables

In South Korea, a tragic incident unfolded when a worker was fatally crushed by a robot in a vegetable-packaging warehouse.

Mistaken for a box of produce, the man, in his 40s, was examining the robot's sensor when the machinery unexpectedly seized and fatally injured him.

Rushed to the hospital with severe head and chest injuries, he tragically succumbed to his wounds.

The victim, an employee tasked with assessing the robot's functionality, was caught in a horrifying misunderstanding as the machine misidentified him, assuming he was part of the packaging.

Photo: Robot crushes man to death, confuses him for a box of vegetables

Investigating authorities are delving into whether technical malfunctions or safety oversights contributed to this devastating event.

The plant's utilization of two pick-and-place robots, handling the packaging of bell peppers and other vegetables for export, has come under scrutiny following this heart-wrenching incident.

This unfortunate occurrence joins a string of industrial robot-related mishaps, echoing past incidents where machinery caused severe injuries and, in one distressing case, claimed a worker's life in another factory setting.

The investigation presses on as authorities seek to understand and prevent such tragedies in the future.

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