Rare Roman mausoleum discovered under a construction site in London

The Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) discovered a Roman Mausoleum near the tourist spot of Borough Market and London Bridge in Southwark during the excavation of a planned construction site. 


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The MOLA team said, "it is the complete mausoleum ever found in London." This is very cherished information which will help MOLA to understand the Roman period of this place. In the discovery, the team found 100 coins, fragments of pottery, roofing style, mosaics etc. There are more than 80 Roman burials in the surrounding area of the mausoleum. These burials had personal items with them like bracelets and glass beads. But the archaeologist did not find any coffins inside it. This might be because only wealthier members of Roman society would have used a mausoleum by paying to be buried inside it. 

Now ordinary construction will start on this site and the mausoleum will be put on public display.

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