Queen Elizabeth II: A life of reign and shine

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary also known as Queen Elizabeth II was the Queen of the united kingdom and other commonwealth territories from 1952 to 2022. She was a Queen regnant of 32 sovereign states during her lifetime. She completed a reign of 70 years and 214 days which was the longest any British monarch or any female reigning monarch has served in history. 

The Queen's reign began in 1952 when she was seen bringing stability to the UK through many changes over time. The death of the Queen was a huge shock to her Nation as well as the World. Having sworn in 15 Prime Ministers during her reign, she was considered a rock on which modern Britain stood, and the Nation had grown and flourished under her reign. British Prime Minister Liz Truss said that Britain is a great country today just because of her. 

Queen Elizabeth was personality with great human relations — Obasanjo

Along with being an exemplary leader, she was an excellent human being and did a lot for the well-being of the society and common people. She was a patron for more than 600 charities and organisations and contributed large amounts to their upliftment. She was an immense pet lover and her love for her dogs was well-known. Her lifelong love for dogs started in 1933 when Dookie the first Corgi came into the family. 

The Queen followed a conservative dressing style fit for a Monarch, always known for her solid-coloured overcoats and matching hats, which made it easy for everyone to identify her in public. As a part of her public role, she attended many cultural events and festivals. She made sure to never discuss her personal opinions publicly. Even a smile for thought and planned for a million times before display. She depicted a deep sense of religious and civic duty, supported inter-faith relations and interacted constantly with leaders of other churches and religions. 

In terms of matters of diplomacy, the Queen was very formal and followed strict rules. Certain rules of the Monarch such as bowing were relaxed during her reign as she did not consider them to be important. The Queen never appreciated close personal forms of interactions, such as touching. In various social situations, the queen made certain subtle gestures to her staff - Twisting her wedding ring would signify that she was ready for an event or a conversation to end. By placing her handbag on the table she would want the conversation to end within the next five minutes. 

Leaders and officials of various countries were disheartened by this giant loss and said that this was a great loss to the world alongside Britain. The Queen lived a life well lived, she was loved by family and subjects alike, she travelled the world introducing herself to a variety of cultures and lifestyles. She became Britain's most enduring symbol of public duty and consistency and made sure she always connected and communicated with ordinary people. She left everyone charmed with her wit, moved the world with her kindness and generously shared her wisdom with the world. 

Indeed her Nation's blessings were with her as she lived on to reign till she was 96 - Long Live the Queen, the country chanted every time they greeted her and one another. And so she did and still does.

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